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Kreator lyrics
Dogmatic lyrics
Ruin is your profit Meraud the hollow mind Religious passion is not for you Agnostic modern science Suffocate superior forces Tearing down this fortre...
Don't Trust lyrics
The only truth I've ever heard Is the truth I've spoken myself A pack of lies is all I get from Anybody else Experience shows that I'm right So be car...
Don't Trust [Slovak translation]
Jedinú pravdu ktorú som vôbec počul Je pravda ktorú som hovoril sebe Balík klamstiev je všetko čo dostávam od hocikoho iného Zážitok ukazuje že mám pr...
Dying Race Apocalypse lyrics
The final hours coming Closing chapter of time As the embers fade Not even the strong will survive Great catastrophe told by the prophets and wise Tho...
Dying Victims lyrics
Creeping through the shadows as the war of death begins No one ever saw before the destruction he brings He is the destroyer all he brings is fear and...
Dystopia lyrics
Welcome to the coldest age of darkness Millennium deprivation, deception and deceit Feared in presence, loathed within their absence Feed the dogs of ...
Dystopia [Greek translation]
Καλώς ήρθατε στην πιο παγωμένη εποχή του σκότους Χιλιετία στέρησης, εξαπάτησης και δόλου Φοβούνται την παρουσία, σιχαίνονται την απουσία τους Τάισε τα...
Dystopia [Serbian translation]
Добродошли у најхладније доба мрака Миленијумско лишавање, обмана и превара Плаше се у присуству, мрзе се у њиховом одсуству Нахраните псе рата Да би ...
Dystopia [Spanish translation]
Bienvenidos a la era de la oscuridad más fría La Privación del Milenio, el engaño y la mentira Temida en la presencia, detestada en su ausencia Que al...
Endless Pain lyrics
you cry out the aggression that is in you everyday you want to kill the enemies if they cross your way in your heart is hate, terror is freezing your ...
Endless Pain [Slovak translation]
you cry out the aggression that is in you everyday you want to kill the enemies if they cross your way in your heart is hate, terror is freezing your ...
Endless Pain [Spanish translation]
you cry out the aggression that is in you everyday you want to kill the enemies if they cross your way in your heart is hate, terror is freezing your ...
Enemy Of God lyrics
Shocked Orwellian races Gather united in grief Nothing is left from the world they have known Grotesque indifferent belief Systems have failed Rules c...
Enemy Unseen lyrics
So you think it's over now There's one thing you forgot about The voice inside your head gets loud Chews you up and spits you out Enemy Unseen Out of ...
Escalation lyrics
This is what you get for trying To take our dignity away from us A massive unexpected global outbreak The grim face of protest Violence, total violenc...
Escalation [Slovak translation]
Toto je to čo dostávaš za pokušanie sa Aby si vzal našu hodnosť preč z nás Masívna, neočakávana globálna vzbura Krutá tvár protestu Násilie, úplné nás...
Europe After The Rain lyrics
Indecisive government Regardless of brutal punishment Indestructible regiment Twice as many lives Perversion never too bizarre Can't remember who we a...
Everlasting Flame lyrics
The atmosphere around you is dark and cold You're only seventeen but in your heart you're feeling old But one day you will leave this place of fear Es...
Extreme Aggression lyrics
Extreme aggression From an extremely insane mind Resting unconscious Pushed up by white lines Inhuman violence I never thought it would come this far ...
Extreme Aggression [German translation]
Extreme aggression From an extremely insane mind Resting unconscious Pushed up by white lines Inhuman violence I never thought it would come this far ...
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