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Kreator lyrics
Civilization Collapse lyrics
Let there be darkness Let there be blood tonight Let there be riots Come start the fires tonight Can't you see our people have got no choice but to fi...
Civilization Collapse [Slovak translation]
Nechaj tam byť temnotu Nechaj tam byť krv dnes večer Nechaj tam byť hyrenia Prichadzaš, začínaš paľby dnes večer Nevidíš že naši ľudia nemajú žiadnu v...
Coma Of Souls lyrics
Masters of war Merchants of false peace Bleeding the lives of the lost Feeding them terminal disease Breaking the rules No matter who gets hurt Wholes...
Coma Of Souls [Slovak translation]
Páni vojny Obchodníci falošného mieru Krvácanie stratených životov Kŕmia ich konečnou nákazou Porušujú pravidlá Nezáleží na tom kto sa zranuje Veľkoob...
Command Of The Blade lyrics
Mist is falling as he rides over the land With his blade of steel He is comin' to take you He has seen the battles of the damned He lost an' won He is...
Crisis Of Disorder lyrics
Searching - for reality to hold on to Phobia - detonation without cause Terror - out of traumatic reaction Raging - symptom of a shattered past Restle...
Cry War lyrics
All night you can feel all the blood it runs Dying from the death of the machine gun Crying on a field without mercy Death in your eyes you have never...
Cry War [Spanish translation]
Toda la noche puedes sentir toda la sangre que corre Estás muriendo por la muerte de la ametralladora Estás llorando en un campo sin piedad Muerte en ...
Death Becomes My Light lyrics
I can't believe this is happening to me Like the ultimate lucid dream From dust to dust, to where I belong Into the void, I'm coming home A disembodie...
Death Becomes My Light [Russian translation]
Что происходит я так поражён, Это может быть клинический сон. Из праха в прах дорога домой По непонятной тропинке пустой. Бесплотный голос же достал м...
Death Is Your Saviour lyrics
In a dark and brutal land not far from here Lived a mighty wargod The slaves were all afraid No one stood up against him No one tried He lived by his ...
Death Is Your Saviour [German translation]
In einem dunklen und brutalen Land Nicht weit entfernt von hier Lebte ein mächtiger Kriegsgott Alle Sklaven fürchteten sich Niemand stellte sich ihm e...
Death To The World lyrics
Death to the world men's Necronomicon Depopulation, Quetzalcoatls return Sorrow and famine, afterbirth of sixth age Facing the dawn of a seven year at...
Death To The World [Slovak translation]
Smrť do sveta, nekronomikon ľudí Depopulacia, Quetzacoatls sa vracia Žiaľ a hlad po narodení šiesteho veku Čelíš úsvitu siedmeho veku zverskej pohromy...
Demon Prince lyrics
Thrown into sorrow Raised into fear Shadows of heartless commandments Wasteland of zombies That never lived A ghetto grey and grey A future so black A...
Depression Unrest lyrics
Ending all religions Changes yet to come Whole new situation Fear became too strong Send a spark of hatred To where I cannot rest My fate's depending ...
Destroy What Destroys You lyrics
Destroy what destroys you The world shall awake The chains of society Are laws ripe to break And the fear they're feeding us The prejudice and hate Wi...
Destroy What Destroys You [Croatian translation]
Uništi ono što uništava tebe neka se svijet probudi okovi društva su zakoni zreli da se krše i strah kojim nas hrane predrasuda i mržnja nas neće razd...
Destroy What Destroys You [German translation]
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht1 Die Welt möge erwachen Die Ketten der Gesellschaft Sind Gesetze, die reif sind, gebrochen zu werden2 Und die Angs...
Destroy What Destroys You [Slovak translation]
Znič to čo ťa ničí Svet sa prebudí Reťaze spoločnosti sú zákony Zrelé aby boli porušené A strachom nás kŕmia Predsudok a nenávisť Nás roztrhne oddelen...
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