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Kreator lyrics
Agents Of Brutality lyrics
Minutely planned professional crime assassination at night Cold-blooded killers on a midnight hunt for a girl who cannot fight Kidnapped, tortured, sk...
Agents Of Brutality [Slovak translation]
Podrobne plánovaný profesionálny zločin, vražda v noci Chladnokrvni zabijaci v polnočnom love po dievčati ktoré nedokáže bojovať Unesené, umučené, sti...
Agents Of Brutality [Spanish translation]
Crimen profesional minuciosamente planeado , asesinato en la noche Asesinos de sangre fría en una búsqueda de medianoche para una chica que no puede l...
Alive Again lyrics
Overreaction and you've lost your path Faceless and hateful, emotional psychopath Overreaction now you're not the same Become someone else, hate becom...
All Of The Same Blood [Unity] lyrics
See them all marching beyond the horizon of hate Bound by an ancient curse, annihilate Nothing will break them apart No sign of fear ever touches thei...
Amok Run lyrics
You have pushed me to this hell Put this cancer in my head Raped my soul and vandalised my heart Now this conflict deep inside My hate I can no longer...
Amok Run [Turkish translation]
Beni bu cehenneme sürükledin Kafama bu kanseri koydun Ruhuma tecavüz edip kalbimi parçaladın Şimdiiçimin derinliğindeki bu çarpışma Nefretimdir, artık...
Army Of Storms lyrics
You'll see us coming like a killer swarm Hunting infidels erase their souls Our viscious regiment cruel to the core Brings liberating death unholy war...
As The World Burns lyrics
The war is here The future stops Existence ends Apocalypse will take our lives One by one As cities fall As cultures die As hope for survival Turns in...
As The World Burns [Slovak translation]
Vojna je tu Budúcnosť zastavuje Existencia končí Apokalypsa vezme naše životy Jeden za druhým Tak ako mestá padajú Tak ako kultúry umierajú Tak ako ná...
As The World Burns [Spanish translation]
La guerra está aquí El futuro se detiene La existencia termina Apocalipsis tomará nuestras vidas Uno a uno Como caen las ciudades Como mueren las cult...
As The World Burns [Turkish translation]
Savaş geldi Gelecek duruyor Varoluş bittiyor Kıyamet canımızı alacak Teker teker Şehirler düştükçe Kültürler öldükçe Yaşama umudu Bizim için yokluğa d...
As we watch the west lyrics
On the edge I wait See what fate may come Just one step away From what's left undone On the edge I wait Pain must stand right here Right before my eye...
As we watch the west [Slovak translation]
Čakám na okraji Vidím aký osud môže prísť Len jeden krok preč Od toho čo prišlo nehotove Čakám na okraji Bolesť musí stať práve tu Priamo pred mojimi ...
As we watch the west [Spanish translation]
En el borde espero Veo que el destino puede venir A un paso Por lo que queda deshecho En el borde espero El dolor debe estar aquí Justo delante de mis...
Awakening Of The Gods lyrics
Was it a vision, or was it a dream? The trust of the mankind has never been real Gods of pleasure, gods of pain Gods of terror, of life and of hate Mo...
Awakening Of The Gods [French translation]
Was it a vision, or was it a dream? The trust of the mankind has never been real Gods of pleasure, gods of pain Gods of terror, of life and of hate Mo...
Behind The Mirror lyrics
Entering a part of your mind Where reality is lost and time stands still Dreams and nightmares are one Only hell knows if this is real No human being ...
Behind The Mirror [Slovak translation]
Entering a part of your mind Where reality is lost and time stands still Dreams and nightmares are one Only hell knows if this is real No human being ...
Behind The Mirror [Spanish translation]
Entering a part of your mind Where reality is lost and time stands still Dreams and nightmares are one Only hell knows if this is real No human being ...
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