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Schelmish lyrics
le pôvre Villon
Venez le veoir en ce piteux arroy Nobles hommes, francs de quart et de dix Qui ne tenez d'empereur ne de roy Mais seulement de Dieu de paradis Bass en...
Santa Maria, strela do dia
Santa Maria, strela do dia, mostra-nos via pera Deus e nos guia. Ca veer faze-los errados que perder foran per pecados entender de que mui culpados so...
Santa Maria, strela do dia [English translation]
Mary, magnified be, with Daystar beside thee; show the way where bide we true to God and thou our guide be. For thou art light that lost souls driven ...
Santa Maria, strela do dia [Portuguese translation]
Santa Maria, estrela do dia, mostra-nos o caminho de Deus e guia-nos; Porque fazes os errantes verem que se perderam aos pecados e entenderem que culp...
Santa Maria, strela do dia [Spanish translation]
Santa María, estrella del día, muéstranos la vía para Dios, y guíanos. Porque haces ver a los errados que se perdieron por sus pecados, y les haces en...
Boys of Bedlam lyrics
For to see mad Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand miles I travelled Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel. (REF:) Still I sing "Bon...
Collaudemus lyrics
Collaudemus collaudemus christum regem qui natus in betlehem Quem laudat sol quem laudat sol at que luna universa creatura Ad quem reges ad quem reges...
Der Bettelvogt lyrics
Ich war noch so jung und war doch schon arm, kein Geld hatt' ich gar nicht, dass Gott sich erbarm'. So nahm ich meinen Stab und meinen Bettelsack und ...
Der schwarze Tod lyrics
Was geh’n Euch meine Lumpen an Da hängen Freud' und Tränen dran Was kümmert Euch denn mein Gesicht Ich brauche Euer Mitleid nicht Ich tue stets was mi...
Ecce mundi gaudium lyrics
Ecce mundi gaudium Ecce salus gentium Virgo parit filium Sine violentia Ave, virgo regia Dei plena gratia Natus est de virgine Sine viri semine Qui mu...
Gaia lyrics
Auditne passus parricidae ? Lapesne viae sui vulgabunt eius viam ? Exauditne verba clara genii canticum cantoris insolentis susurrum pudicum virginis ...
Hässliche Kinder lyrics
Wir teilen uns ein Schicksal, das uns bis heute prägt Wir wurden einst als Säugling ins falsche Bett gelegt Doch man hat unsere Eltern erwischt in jen...
Hässliche Kinder [English translation]
We share a destiny that still characterizes us today We were once put into the wrong bed as a baby But our parents were caught that night They were su...
Hunter lyrics
You think you are safe wrapped in this night and space hidden without the sun you are the hunted one running away from me you think you are free with ...
Pank! lyrics
Des nächtens hör ich Stimmen rufen die mich und meine Art verfluchen hinter vorgehaltner Hand geht mein Name durch das Land schlechter Atem allerorten...
Rabenballade lyrics
Auf einem Baum drei Raben stolz Oh weh oh weh oh Leid oh weh Auf einem Baum dreo Raben stolz Sie warn so schwarz wie Ebenholz Sie warn so schwarz wie ...
Rabenballade [English translation]
Three ravens proud sat on a tree Oh woe, oh woe, oh grief, oh woe! Three ravens proud sat on a tree They were as black as ebony They were as black as ...
Rabenballade [Russian translation]
Сидят три ворона в ветвях О, боже мой, дурная весть Сидят три ворона в ветвях Как смоль черны они, как прах Как смоль черны они, как прах И гаркнул пе...
Regis Vasa lyrics
Regis vasa referentes, Quem Judaeae tremunt gentes, Danieli applaudentes Gaudeamus! Laudes sibi debitas Referamus! Regis cladem praenotavit, Cum scrip...
Si salvas me lyrics
Captus in profunditate palae clamavi ad dominum et iurabam Oh, me miserum si vita mea sit salvata memini nomen tuum in aeternum efugi angustias graves...
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