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Jeremy Camp lyrics
Jesus Saves [Spanish translation]
La esperanza ha llegado, Grita la noticia a todos, Es un día nuevo, la paz ha venido, Jesús salva, Misericordia triunfa a la cruz, Amor ha venido para...
Keep Me in the Moment lyrics
I've been thinking about time and where does it go How can I stop my life from passing me by, I don't know I've been thinking about family (family), h...
Not Ashamed lyrics
In a world with pressures onto me I will keep on pressing into you You are where I run to draw my strength In a world that says: don't believe Help me...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel lyrics
O come, O come, Emmanuel! And ransom captive Israel. That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Ref: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel! S...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Greek translation]
Ω έλα, Ω έλα Εμμανουήλ Και αιχμάλωτο Ισραήλ που θρηνεί εδώ στην μοναχική εξορία οσότου εμφανιστεί ο Υιός του Θεού Ρεφ. Να χαρείς ! Να χαρείς! Εμμανουή...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Spanish translation]
¡Oh ven, oh ven, Emmanuel! Y rescata de la cautividad a Israel. Que sufre un exilio solitario aquí, Hasta que aparezca el Hijo de Dios. Coro: ¡Alégrat...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Turkish translation]
Hey gel, Hey gel, Emmanuel Ve kurtar esir İsraili Burada yalnızlık sürgününde acı çeken Tanrının oğlu görünene dek Sevin ! Sevin ! Emmanuel Sana gelec...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Turkish translation]
Ah gel, ah gel Emmanuel Ve tutsak Israel'i kurtar. Burada yalnız sürgünde acı çeken, Tanrının oğlu görünene kadar. Koro: ¡Sevin sevin, Emmanuel ! O sa...
O Little Town of Bethlehem lyrics
O little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie... Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by... Yet in thy dark streets shineth T...
Only You Can lyrics
When I’ve met my match and there’s nowhere to go Heart under attack, no hope on my own I break and I tear, spin out of control The burdens I wear like...
Overcome lyrics
Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love Destined to die, poured out for all mankind God's only son perfect and spotless one He never sinned, but ...
Overcome [Indonesian translation]
Duduk di atas sana, bertahta dalam kasih Bapa Ditakdirkan untuk mati, ditumpahkan untuk umat manusia Anak Tuhan satu-satunya, suci tak bercela Tak per...
Overcome [Spanish translation]
Sentado encima, ungido en el amor del Padre Destinado a morir, depojado de humanidad el único hijo perfecto de Dios y el que no tiene tacas nunca ha p...
Right Here lyrics
All the world is Watching All the world does care Even when the world weighs on my shoulder now, These feelings I can bare Because I know, That you're...
Right Here [Croatian translation]
Cijeli svijet promatra Cijeli svijet brine Čak i kad je sav teret na mojim leđima Taj osjećaj mogu podnijeti Jer znam da ovdje si (Refren: x2) Kuda go...
Right Here [Spanish translation]
Todo el mundo está mirando Todo el mundo se preocupa Incluso cuando el mundo pesa sobre mi hombro ahora Estos sentimientos que puedo desnudar Porque s...
Should’ve Been Me lyrics
It should've been me with arms open It should've been me that was torn It should've been me, I was broken It should've been me, it should've been me M...
Should’ve Been Me [Romanian translation]
Trebuia sa fiu eu dus la moarte Trebuia sa fiu eu rastignit Trebuia sa fiu eu, aveam pacate Trebuia sa fiu eu, Trebuia sa fiu eu Mila, Mila, mi s-a da...
The Way lyrics
All creation crys out with longing With groans only you can comprehend And with wisdom you always answerd gives the word of life So unfailing And your...
The Way [Hungarian translation]
Az egész alkotás sóvárogva jajveszékel Csak fájdalommal tudod felfogni És bölcsen mindig az élet szavával válaszolsz Oly tévedhetetlenül És a Te dicső...
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