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Kat DeLuna lyrics
Dancing Tonight [German translation]
Ich möchte sehen, wie du tanzt als wärst du ganz allein Du bist völlig versunken und dir ist es egal Denn das ist deine Nacht, ich lasse sie bleiben D...
Dancing Tonight [Lithuanian translation]
Aš noriu pamatyti tave šokantį, tarsi nieko nėra ten, Tu esi visas vienas ir tau nerūpi, nes Tai yra tavo naktis; aš leidžiu jiems visiems pasilikti, ...
Dancing Tonight [Remix] lyrics
I wanna see ya dance like no one's there You're all alone man, you don't care 'Cause this is your night Let 'em all stare You're so amazing, ma-mazing...
Drop It Low lyrics
Drop it low, Pop it up, pop it up, turn around [x4] [Verse 1] Move your body baby, bom bom bom When I shake it, I’mma steal-a the show Come one baby, ...
Drop It Low [Hungarian translation]
Engedd mélyre1 Toljad ki, toljad ki, fordulj körbe (4x) [1. versszak] Mozgasd a tested bébi, bumm, bumm, bumm Mikor én rázom, túlteszek mindenkin Gyer...
Drop It Low [Turkish translation]
Aşağı indir, Çıkagel, çıkagel, etrafta dön [x4] Vücudunu hareket ettir bebeğim, bom bom bom Çalkaladığımda, gösteriyi çalıyorum Hadi bebeğim, yönet yö...
Enjoy Saying Goodbye lyrics
You keep on telling me what to do Baby baby baby boy I'm saying I'm saying goodbye aye aye aye aye Aye Aye Give me a moment (moment) Give me a minute ...
Feel What I Feel lyrics
Why can't you smile Shake a hand Joke around when you're under Doesn't take that much to do it Sing a song when you're down Cause i know that you wond...
Forever lyrics
[Verse 1] On a star flying across the moon Going far Is what the plan we do When you're at me, don't wanna let you go Cause every night Is unforgettab...
Forever [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] Мы летим на звезде и огибаем луну. Мы пытаемся за Когда ты рядом, я не хочу тебя отпускать, Потому с тобой незабываема каждая ночь... [Пере...
In The End lyrics
I'm the textbook definition of a rebel I see the crowd moving left and I've got go right I'm always in some trouble To me life ain't fun unless you're...
In The End [French translation]
Je suis la définition classique d'une rebelle Je vois la foule se diriger vers la gauche, et je vais à droite J'ai toujours quelques problèmes Pour mo...
Love Confusion lyrics
Don't know how we got this far So attached now and this gets me Like a thief you stole my heart And I fallen in love so unfairly (Boy I hate that my) ...
Love Confusion [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudom, hogy jutott el ez idáig Most már nagyon kötődök hozzád és ez kiakaszt Elloptad a szívemet akár egy tolvaj És olyan igazságtalanul estem sze...
Love Confusion [Turkish translation]
Şimdi nasıl bu kadar bağlandık bilinmez Ve bu beni etkiliyor Bir hırsız gibi kalbimi çaldın Ve ben haksız yere aşık oldum Oğlum,dünyamın senin etrafın...
Love Me, Leave Me lyrics
The very first day of my life Was the day that you let me go (It was a blessing in disguise) Now I see that I'm beautiful Cause all we ever did was fi...
Love Me, Leave Me [Hungarian translation]
Az életem legelső napja Az a nap volt, amikor elengedtél (Ami titokban egy áldás volt) Most már látom, hogy szép vagyok Mert mi nem csináltunk mást cs...
Need You Now lyrics
[Verse 1] I wanna fly, but sometimes it feels like I'm afraid to fall I wanna cry, but my eyes won't let me, there's no tears at all I wanna run and h...
Oh My God lyrics
Switch your hips make a papi stare, You walkin sweet and the clothes you wear, Hey girl you just make them stare like Oh my god whoah!! [x2] Strip it ...
Oh Yeah [La La La] lyrics
Yeahh.. Yeaaaahh...Kat Delunaaa! La, la, la, la, la! I’ve got that fever of the Saturday night, And it’s out of control, oh, out of control! It’s a di...
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