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Bullet for My Valentine lyrics
4 Words [To Choke Upon] lyrics
Betrayed one more time, But somewhere down that line You're gonna get what's coming to you Look at me now, Look at me now, Look at me now! Pull it out...
4 Words [To Choke Upon] [Portuguese translation]
Traído mais uma vez Mas, em algum lugar dessa linha Você vai ter o que merece Olhe para mim agora Olhe para mim agora Olhe para mim agora! Tire das mi...
4 Words [To Choke Upon] [Russian translation]
Предан еще один раз ныне, Но где-то по этой линии Ты получишь что полагается тебе Посмотри на меня сейчас, Посмотри на меня сейчас, Посмотри на меня с...
4 Words [To Choke Upon] [Spanish translation]
Traicionado una más vez, Pero en algún lugar de esa línea Vas a conseguir lo que está viniendo por ti Mírame ahora, Mírame ahora, ¡Mírame ahora! Sácal...
4 Words [To Choke Upon] [Turkish translation]
Bir kere daha ihanete uğradın Ama bu çizginin aşağısında bir yerde Sana gelenleri alacaksın Şimdi bana bak Şimdi bana bak Şimdi bana bak Bunu sırtımda...
A Place Where You Belong lyrics
You're gone! You're gone! Your body's cold Hope is lost, I can't let go Can I die with you, So we can never grow old Cut the ties (Cut the ties) With ...
A Place Where You Belong [Bulgarian translation]
Ти си тръгна! Ти си тръгна! Тялото ти е студено Надеждата е студена, не мога те оставя Мога ли да умра с теб Така че никога да не остареем Отрежи връз...
A Place Where You Belong [French translation]
Tu es partie! Tu es partie! Ton corps est froid Tout espoir a disparu, je ne peux lâcher prise Puis-je mourir avec toi, Afin que nous ne puissions jam...
A Place Where You Belong [German translation]
Du bist weg! Du bist weg! Dein Körper ist kalt Die Hoffnung ist verloren, Ich kann es nicht gehen lassen Kann ich mit dir sterben? Sodass wir nie alt ...
A Place Where You Belong [Greek translation]
Έχεις φύγει Έχεις φύγει Το κορμί μου είναι κρύο η ελπίδα έχει χαθεί, δεν μπορώ να το αφήσω να φύγει Μπορώ να πεθάνω μαζί σου; λοιπόν δεν μπορούμε ποτέ...
A Place Where You Belong [Hungarian translation]
Elmentél! Elmentél! A tested hideg A remény elveszett, nem tudom elengedni, Meghalhatnék veled? így sosem öregednénk meg Elvágtad a köteléket (elvágta...
A Place Where You Belong [Italian translation]
Te ne sei andata! Te ne sei andata! Il tuo corpo è freddo La speranza è persa, non posso lasciarti andare Posso morire con te, Così non invecchieremo ...
A Place Where You Belong [Romanian translation]
Ai plecat!(Ai murit!) Ai plecat!(Ai murit!) Trupul tau e rece Speranta e pierduta, nu o pot lasa sa plece Pot sa mor impreuna cu tine? Astfel nu o sa ...
A Place Where You Belong [Serbian translation]
Nema te više! Nema te više! Telo ti je hladno Nada je izgubljena, ne mogu da pustim Mogu li umreti sa tobom, Pa da nikad ne ostarimo Presekla si veze ...
A Place Where You Belong [Spanish translation]
Te haz ido! Te haz ido! Tu cuerpo esta frió Perdí la esperanza, yo no puedo dejarte ir Puedo morir contigo? De esa forma nunca envejeceremos. Corta la...
A Place Where You Belong [Turkish translation]
Gittin! Gittin! Vücudun soğuk Umut kayıp, bırakamıyorum Seninle ölebilir miyim? Böylece hiç yaşlanmayız Kravatları kes ( Kravatları kes) Ardında bırak...
All These Things I Hate [Revolve Around Me] lyrics
Once more I say goodbye to you Things happen but we don't really know why If it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to mis...
All These Things I Hate [Revolve Around Me] [Dutch translation]
Nog één keer neem ik afscheid van jou Dingen gebeuren, maar we weten niet echt waarom Als het zo hoort te zijn, waarom negeren de meesten onder ons da...
All These Things I Hate [Revolve Around Me] [French translation]
Une fois de plus, je te dis au revoir Les choses arrivent, mais nous ne savons pas pourquoi Si c'est censé être ainsi, pourquoi la plupart d'entre nou...
All These Things I Hate [Revolve Around Me] [Greek translation]
Ακόμα μια φορά σου λέω αντίο Συμβαίνουν γεγονότα αλλά δε ξέρουμε στ' αλήθεια γιατί Αν έτσι πρέπει να είναι, γιατί οι πιο πολλοί από εμάς αγνοούμε την ...
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