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Echo & the Bunnymen lyrics
Ocean Rain lyrics
All at sea again And now my hurricanes have brought down This ocean rain To bathe me again My ship's a sail Can you hear its tender frame Screaming fr...
Ocean Rain [French translation]
Au large une fois de plus, Et maintenant mes ouragans ont fait tomber Cette pluie océanique Afin de me baigner une fois de plus Mon navire est une voi...
Ocean Rain [Greek translation]
Όλοι στη θάλασσα ξανά Τώρα οι τυφώνες μου έφεραν Τούτη την ωκεάνια βροχή Ξανά να με ράνει Πάει το καράβι μου Ακούς τα τρυφερά του ξύλα Να στριγκλίζουν...
People are strange lyrics
[Verse 1] People are strange when you're a stranger Faces look ugly when you're alone Women seem wicked when you're unwanted Streets are uneven when y...
Seven Seas lyrics
Stab a sorry heart With your favourite finger Paint the whole world blue And stop your tears from stinging Hear the cavemen singing Good news they're ...
Seven Seas [Turkish translation]
Üzgün bir kalbi bıçakla, En sevdiğin parmağınla Bütün dünyayı maviye boya Ve gözyaşlarının iğnelemesini engelle Mağara adamlarının şarkılarını duy İyi...
Siberia lyrics
Where were we, Fearless and only ever scared of me, Peerless and tearless? That was me, Cold as ice, On my knees Every night, Snow white Where were yo...
Siberia [French translation]
Où étions-nous, Sans crainte et n'ayant jamais peur que de moi, Sans égal et sans larmes? C'était moi, Froid comme la glace, À genoux Chaque nuit, Bla...
Siberia [Russian translation]
Где мы были, Бесстрашные и испуганные всегда лишь мною, Несравненным и бесчувственным ? Это был я, Холодный как лёд, Коленопреклонённый Каждую ночь И ...
Supermellow Man lyrics
Will you walk through my storm? Can I be your one and only? Will you talk me through 'till dawn? Never felt so lost and lonely When night turns into m...
Supermellow Man [Portuguese translation]
Você andaria pela minha tempestade? Posso ser seu primeiro e único? Você falaria comigo durante e até o amanhecer? Nunca me senti tão perdido e sozinh...
The Cutter lyrics
Who's on the seventh floor Brewing alternatives What's in the bottom drawer Waiting for things to give Spare us the cutter Spare us the cutter Couldn'...
The Disease lyrics
My life's the disease That could always change With comparative ease, Just given the chance My life is the earth, 'twixt muscle and spade I wait for t...
The Disease [Serbian translation]
Мој живот је болест која увек може да се промени, релативно лако, само ако јој се пружи прилика. Мој живот је земља међ' мишића и ашова. Чекам смисао ...
The Yo Yo Man lyrics
Froze to the bone in my igloo home Counting the days 'til the ice turns green You know when heaven and hell collide There are no in-betweens (I'm the ...
Thorn Of Crowns lyrics
Ah ah, ah ah Ah ah, ah ah You set my teeth on edge You set my teeth on edge You think you're a vegetable Never come out of the fridge ku- ku- ku- cucu...
With A Hip lyrics
Halt Nobody's allowed Strictly (inaudible) Out out out out Bounds, of course we know no bounds Until, at least, and then Trace my sorrow way down We'v...
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