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Vic Damone lyrics
More than the greatest love the world has known, This is the love I’ll giveto you alone. More than the simple words I try to say, I only live to love ...
On the Street Where You Live lyrics
Oh, the towering feeling Just to know Somehow you are near I have often walked on this street before But the pavement always stayed Beneath my feet be...
On the Street Where You Live [German translation]
Und, oh, das gewaltige Gefühl, nur zu wissen, dass du irgendwie nahe bist. Ich bin früher oft durch diese Straße gegangen, aber ich ging dann mit mein...
Again lyrics
Again, this couldn't happen again This is that once in a lifetime This is the thrill divine What's more, this never happened before Though I have pray...
Again [Polish translation]
Znów, to nie mogło się znów zdarzyć Tak jest raz w życiu To jest boski dreszcz Co więcej, nigdy wcześniej to się nie zdarzyło Chociaż modliłem się cał...
April in Portugal lyrics
I found my April dream In Portugal with you When we discovered romance like we never knew My head was in the clouds My heart went crazy too And madly ...
April in Portugal [Portuguese translation]
Encontrei meu amor de Abril Em Portugal, com você Quando descobrimos o romance Como nunca pensamos Minha cabeça estava nas nuvens Meu coração também f...
You're Breaking My Heart lyrics
You're breaking my heart 'cause you're leaving You've fallen for somebody new It isn't too easy believing You'd leave after all we've been through It'...
You're Breaking My Heart [Arabic translation]
إنك تحطمين فؤادي لأنك سترحلين لقد وقعت في حب شخص آخر إنه ليس من السهل تصديق أنك سترحلين بعد كل ما خضناه سويًا إنه ليحطم فؤادي تذكر أن الأحلام التي تعل...
You're Breaking My Heart [French translation]
Tu me brises le coeur parce que tu pars Tu es tombé pour quelqu'un de nouveau Ce n'est pas trop facile de croire Tu partirais après tout ce que nous a...
You're Breaking My Heart [German translation]
Du brichst mir das Herz, weil du gehst Du bist für jemanden neu gefallen Es ist nicht einfach zu glauben Du würdest nach allem, was wir durchgemacht h...
You're Breaking My Heart [Persian translation]
تو داری دلم رو میشکنی چون داری منو ترک میکنی تو دنبال یکنفر جدید افتادی باورش خیلی آسون نیست که بعد از اون همه که بین ما گذشت تو منو ترکم کنی بخاطر آو...
You're Breaking My Heart [Spanish translation]
Me rompes el corazón porque te vas Te has vuelto a enamorar No es muy fácil creer Que me dejas después de todo por lo que hemos pasado Me rompe el cor...
You're Breaking My Heart [Turkish translation]
Kalbimi kırıyorsun çünkü sen gidiyorsun Yine aşık oldun Inanmak kolay değil Neler yaşadıklarımdan sonra beni ne bıraktın Hatırlamak için kalbimi kırıy...
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