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Nick Carter lyrics
Get Over Me
[Verse 1: Nick Carter] I messed up, took you home Just my luck, you're a psycho Now I'm locking up my door You had my mail, stole my phone And how the...
Get Over Me [Greek translation]
[Nick Carter] Την έπαθα, σε πήγα σπίτι Είναι η τύχη μου, είσαι ψυχάκιας Τώρα κλειδώνω την πόρτα μου Πήρες το μέιλ μου, έκλεψες το τηλέφωνό μου Και πως...
Get Over Me [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1: Nick Carter] Я так облажался, взяв тебя к себе домой К моей "удачи", ты оказалась такой сумасшедшей Теперь я просто запираю свою дверь Ты о...
Get Over Me [Turkish translation]
Her şeyi mahvettim,evine gittin. Bu sadece şansım,sen bir psikopatsın. Şimdi kapımı kilitliyorum. Postam sende,telefonumu çaldın. Ve lanet olası şifre...
Addicted lyrics
From the first hit Saw my world come crashing down I’d never forget How you just blew my mind My head is spinning Feel my heart ’bout to explode I’m o...
Burnin' Up lyrics
I'm burnin' up You You are the game that I wanna play And I I just wanna know your name The way you dance, dance, dance on the floor While everybody d...
Do I Have To Cry For You lyrics
Don't wanna close the door, Don't wanna give up on it Don't wanna fight no more, We'll find a way around it, Where's the love we had? We can make it l...
Do I Have To Cry For You [Hungarian translation]
Nem akarom bezárni az ajtót, Nem akarom ezt feladni Nem akarok többet veszekedni, Túl jutunk majd ezen is, Hol a szerelem, ami a miénk volt? Folytatha...
Do I Have To Cry For You [Spanish translation]
No quiero cerrar la puerta. No quiero renunciar a esto. No quiero pelear, no más. Encontraremos una forma de evitarlo. ¿Dónde está el amor que teníamo...
Falling Down lyrics
It’s so cold In this room And I’m trapped inside your heart All by myself (yeah) All alone In your sea And I’m sinking like a ship I’m going down (goi...
Falling Down [Spanish translation]
Hace frío en esta habitación estoy atrapado en tu corazón todo por mí (sí) todo solo en tu mar me estoy hundiendo como un barco voy a bajar (bajar) no...
Falling In Love Again lyrics
Here I go oh oh Can't get you out of my head Blowing up your phone Just to hear you breathing You runaway runaway but that's ok Girl we can play make ...
Great Divide lyrics
I'm waking up you're going to sleep And I wonder are you thinking of me I'm getting ready for another day without you And you're just starting to drea...
Help Me lyrics
I wish I could define All the thoughts that crossed my mind They seem too big for me to choose I don't know which ones to lose When I'm falling down s...
Help Me [Hungarian translation]
Bárcsak meg tudnám fogalmazni Minden gondolatom, ami átrohan az agyamon Úgy tűnik túl nagy feladat választani közülük Nem tudom melyikkel fogok veszít...
Help Me [Turkish translation]
Keşke açıklayabilsem Aklımdan geçen tüm düşünceleri Onlar seçmem içim fazla büyükmüş gibiler Hangilerini kaybetsem bilemedim Bu kadar uzağa düşerken S...
I Got You lyrics
People tell me, you stay where you belong But all my life I've tried To prove them wrong They say I'm looking for Something that can't be found They s...
I Got You [Hungarian translation]
Az emberek azt mondják nekem, ott maradok, ahová tartozom De egész életemben megpróbáltam Bebizonyítani, hogy tévednek Azt mondják olyasmit keresek Am...
I Got You [Romanian translation]
Oamenii îmi spun, să rămân acolo unde aparțin Dar, toată viața mea am încercat Să dovedesc că acest lucru este greșit. Ei spun că sunt în cautarea ace...
I Got You [Spanish translation]
La gente me dice, "Te quedas donde perteneces". Pero toda mi vida he intentando, probarles que están mal. Ellos dicen que estoy buscando algo que no p...
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