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Dooley Wilson also performed lyrics
Louis Armstrong - As Time Goes By
You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss A sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply As time goes by And when two lovers woo They still sa...
As Time Goes By [Croatian translation]
Moraš zapamtiti ovo Poljubac je još uvijek poljubac Uzdah je samo uzdah Osnovne stvari vrijede Kako vrijeme prolazi I kad si dvoje zaljubljenih udvara...
As Time Goes By [Greek translation]
Πρεπει να θυμασαι τουτο Ενα φιλι ειναι ακομα ενα φιλι Ενας αναστεναγμος ειναι ακομη ενας αναστεναγμος Τα πολυτιμα πραγματα παραμενουν Καθως περναει ο ...
As Time Goes By [Hungarian translation]
Emlékezned kell Egy csók csak egy bók Egy sóhaj csak egy óhaj A fontos dolgok bonyolultak de idővel megvalósulnak. És mikor két szerelmes udvarolgat C...
As Time Goes By [Romanian translation]
Trebuie să-ţi aminteşti asta: un sărut e tot un sărut, un suspin e tot un suspin Lucrurile fundamentale se aplică cât trece timpul. Şi când doi îndrăg...
Tony Bennett - As Time Goes By
This day and age we're living in gives cause for apprehension with speed and new invention and things like third dimension. Yet, we get a trifle weary...
As Time Goes By [German translation]
Dieser Tag und in dieses Zeitalter, in dem wir leben, geben Anlass zur Besorgnis, mit Tempo und neuen Erfindungen und Dingen wie der 3. Dimension. Doc...
As Time Goes By [Italian translation]
Questo giorno ed età1 in cui viviamo danno motivo di apprensione con velocità e nuova invenzione e cose come la terza dimensione. Tuttavia, noi ci sta...
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