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MB14 lyrics
Go Down
[Introduction - Will Smith] There's a redemptive power that makin' a choice has Make a choice, all right ? You just decide. What it's gonna be, who yo...
L'ultime sentence lyrics
[Couplet 1] Le ciel s'ouvre, l'orage claque Et le tonnerre se fait entendre Semble-t-il être l'heure de l'ultime sentence ? Même les choses futiles m'...
L'ultime sentence [English translation]
The sky opens up, the storm cracks and thunder can be heard could it be time for the final sentence? Even pointless things delight me Pain and absence...
One More Song lyrics
I've always known that I was gonna be an artist 'Cause I can't be anything else Can't be the one who's just allowed to stay silent 'Cause it would bur...
One More Song [Russian translation]
I've always known that I was gonna be an artist 'Cause I can't be anything else Can't be the one who's just allowed to stay silent 'Cause it would bur...
Pyramids lyrics
[Verse] Have you ever felt like you weren't born at the right time? That you already been through all of this in the past life Why do I feel so connec...
Pyramids [Hungarian translation]
[Verse] Érezted már valaha, hogy nem a jó időben születtél? Hogy egy korábbi életedben átmentél már ezeken? Miért érzem magam ennyire összekapcsolva a...
Pyramids [Russian translation]
Куплет: Вам никогда не казалось, что вы родились не в своё время? Что вы уже испытали все это в прошлой жизни. Почему я чувствую себя так связанным с ...
Street Lights lyrics
[Chorus] And I recall your face, you were smilin' on me And I recall that night we were havin' no sleep And I recall that day you were laughin' to tea...
Street Lights [Russian translation]
[Припев] И я помню твоё лицо, ты улыбалась мне. И я помню ту ночь, мы не спали с тобой. И я помню тот день, ты смеялась до слёз. Из-за отсутствия тепл...
The Wolf lyrics
[Verse 1] The wolf is on his way To get out of the world To climb over the mountains And sing under the moon This gentle breeze on my face Listening t...
The Wolf [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] A farkas úton van, hogy eltűnjön erről a világról, hogy hegyeket másszon és a Hold alatt énekeljen. Ez a gyengéd szellő az arcomon meghallja...
The Wolf [Russian translation]
[1-й куплет] В путь вышел волк Из этого мира выбраться чтоб, Перелезть горы И спеть под луной, Мягкий бриз на лице моём. Пение волн слушая В ветвях зв...
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