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Loreena McKennitt lyrics
The Star of the County Down [German translation]
In der Nähe von Banbridge Stadt, in der Grafschaft Down- Eines morgens im vergangenen Juli kam von einem grünen Feldweg ein süßes Mädchen daher Und si...
The Star of the County Down [Greek translation]
Πόλη Banbridge στη Κάτω Κομητεία Ένα πρωινό το περασμένο Ιούλιο, Από έναν στενό δρόμο ήρθε μια γλυκιά κοπέλα1 Και χαμογέλασε σαν με προσπέρασε. Ήταν τ...
The Star of the County Down [Italian translation]
Vicino alla città di Banbridge, nella contea di Down una mattina dello scorso luglio, lungo una verde stradina 1venne una bella ragazza, e lei sorrise...
The Star of the County Down [Sardinian [southern dialects] translation]
In sa bidda 'e Bambridge de sa curadoria 'e Down unu menagianu de su mes’e lampadas passau, de unu camineddu birdi nd’est bennia una picioca donosa e ...
The Star of the County Down [Swedish translation]
Staden Banbridge i grevskapet Down En morgon förra året i juli, Från en väg så grön kom en söt ogift dam Och hon log när hon passerade mig förbi. Hon ...
The Two Trees lyrics
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart The holy tree is growing there; From joy the holy branches start And all the trembling flowers they bear. The changin...
The Two Trees [Czech translation]
Drahý, pohleď do svého srdce, roste tam posvátný strom. Posvátné haluze raší z radosti a nesou chvějící se květy. Střídání barev jeho plodů obdařilo h...
The Two Trees [Greek translation]
Αγαπημένη, ατένιζε μες τη δική σου καρδιά Εκεί μεγαλώνει το ιερό δέντρο · Από τη χαρά που τα ιερά κλαδιά αρχίζουν Και όλα τα τρεμουλιαστά λουλούδια πο...
The Two Trees [Italian translation]
Amore, guarda dentro il tuo cuore, l’albero santo è lì che sta fiorendo; dalla gioia i santi rami si partono, e tutti i frementi fiori che essi sosten...
The Two Trees [Spanish translation]
Amado, asómate a tu corazón. El árbol sagrado crece ahí. De la alegría nacen las ramas sagradas y ellas cargan todas las flores temblorosas. Los color...
The Two Trees [Swedish translation]
Älskade, blicka in i ditt eget hjärta Det heliga trädet växer där; Glädje är de heliga grenarnas ursprung Och alla de darrande blommorna de bär. Dess ...
The Wexford Carol lyrics
Good people all, this Christmas-time Consider well and bear in mind What our good God for us has done In sending his beloved Son. With Mary holy we sh...
The Wexford Carol [Italian translation]
Brava gente, questo Natale considerate bene e tenetelo a mente che cosa il buon Dio ha fatto per noi nel mandare il suo amato figlio. Con Maria santis...
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