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Loreena McKennitt lyrics
The Highwayman [Russian translation]
Лил ветер потоки мрака меж растревоженных крон. В тучи заброшен месяц как призрачный галеон. Дорога - лунная лента поверх пурпурных болот. А разбойник...
The Highwayman [Turkish translation]
fırtına rüzgârın ağaçları arasında karanlığın seliydi. ayfırtınalı denizler üzerinde sarsılan bir hayalet gemiydi. yol mor boş arazinin etrafında ayış...
The Holly & the Ivy lyrics
The holly and the ivy When they are full grown Of all the trees in the wood The holly bears the crown The rising of the sun The running of the deer Th...
The Holly & the Ivy [Italian translation]
L’agrifoglio e l’edera quando sono entrambi adulti di tutti gli alberi nel bosco l’agrifoglio porta la corona. Il sorgere del sole il correre del cerv...
The King lyrics
Health, love and peace be all here in this place By your leave we shall sing, concerning our King Our King is well-dressed in silks of the best In rib...
The King [Italian translation]
Salute, amore e pace siano su questa casa, e con il vostro permesso canteremo del nostro Re. Il nostro Re è ben vestito con la migliore seta, con prez...
The King [Spanish translation]
Que haya salud, amor y paz juntos aquí en este lugar. Con su permiso habremos de cantar respecto a nuestro Rey. Nuestro Rey está bien vestido con las ...
The Lady of Shalott lyrics
I On either side of the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold and meet the sky; And thro’ the field the road runs by To man...
The Lady of Shalott [Chinese translation]
I 在河流的兩旁綿延著 長長的大麥和黑麥田, 那覆蓋著世界,並和天空相連; 而穿過這田野道路上奔向了 許多塔樓的卡美洛; 而上上下下人來人往, 凝視百合花在吹往何處 圍繞島嶼的下方, 沙洛特島。 II 柳樹漸白,白楊顫動, 輕風吹過黃昏,且顫抖著 通過永不停歇的浪潮 在島嶼旁邊的河流裡 流向了卡美洛...
The Lady of Shalott [French translation]
I Sur les deux rives s'étendent au loin les champs d'orge et de seigle qui couvrent le monde jusqu'à l'horizon. Et à travers champs la route rejoint C...
The Lady of Shalott [Italian translation]
I Sulle rive del fiume si stendono vasti campi di orzo e segale che rivestono la terra fino a incontrare il cielo; e attraverso i campi corre la strad...
The Lady of Shalott [Spanish translation]
I En ambos lados del río se despliegan largos campos de cebada y centeno que visten el mundo y suben hasta el cielo; y por el campo corre el sendero h...
The Lady of Shalott [Swedish translation]
I På bägge sidor av floden ligger Vidsträckta fält av korn och råg Som klär marken och möter skyn Och genom fältet går vägen förbi Till Camelot med al...
The Mummer's Dance lyrics
When in the springtime of the year When the trees are crowned with leaves When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew Are dressed in ribbons fair When...
The Mummer's Dance [Croatian translation]
Kad u proljetno doba godine Kada su stabla okrunjena lišćem Kada su jasen i hrast, i breza i tisa Odjevene u krasne rese Kada sove dozivaju zadihani m...
The Mummer's Dance [Czech translation]
Když v jarním čase, kdy stromy nasadí si korunu z listoví, kdy jasan a dub a bříza a tis oděny jsou v nádherné stuhy, když sovy volají měsíc, jemuž se...
The Mummer's Dance [Finnish translation]
Silloin kevään aikaan vuodesta, kun lehdet ovat kruunattu lehdin, kun saarni ja tammi, sekä koivu ja marjakuusi, ovat pukeutuneet nauhoihin viehkeisii...
The Mummer's Dance [French translation]
Au printemps Quand les arbres sont couronnés de feuilles Quand le frêne et le chêne, et le bouleau et l'if Sont parés de beaux rubans Quand des hiboux...
The Mummer's Dance [German translation]
Wenn im Frühling, der fröhlichen Zeit des Jahres Die Bäume mit Blättern geschmückt sind Wenn die Esche, die Eiche, die Birke und die Eibe Gekleidet si...
The Mummer's Dance [Greek translation]
Όταν στην εποχή της άνοιξης Όταν τα δέντρα “στέφονται” με τα φύλλα Όταν η τέφρα, η βελανιδιά, η σημύδα1 και το πουρνάρι Είναι ντυμένα με κορδέλες πανη...
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