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Loreena McKennitt lyrics
Skellig [Swedish translation]
Åh tänd ljuset, John Dagsljuset är nästan borta Fåglarna har tystnat Klockorna kallar alla till mässan Sitt här intill mig För natten är väldigt lång ...
Skellig [Swedish translation]
Åh, tänd ljuset, John Dagsljuset har nästan falnat Fåglarna har sjungit ut Alla klockor kallar till mässa Sitt här vid min sida För natten är väldigt ...
Snow lyrics
White are the far-off plains, and white the fading forests grow. The wind dies out along the height and denser still the snow, a gathering weight on r...
Snow [Italian translation]
Bianche sono le pianure lontane, e bianche le foreste che si scolorano; il vento svanisce dietro le alture si addensa la neve, accumulando peso su tet...
Snow [Spanish translation]
Blancas son las lejanas planicies y blancos se vuelven los bosques que se desvanecen. El viento muere junto con la altura y más densa es sin embargo l...
Snow [Turkish translation]
Beyaz, uzak düzlükler boyunca beyaz, Solgun büyüyen ormanlar, Yükseklerde yok olan rüzgar, Ve daha da yoğunlaşan kar, Çatıda ve ağaçların üzerinde bir...
Spanish Guitars and Night Plazas lyrics
Now falls the light by your side and flows to a sea of lost dreams. The ocean opens its arms to lost souls and toils the night, so it seems. And who c...
Spanish Guitars and Night Plazas [Spanish translation]
Ahora cae la luz a tu lado y fluye hacia un mar de sueños perdidos. El océano abre sus brazos a las almas perdidas para cansar a la noche, o eso parec...
Standing Stones lyrics
In one of these lonely Orkney Isles There dwelled a maiden fair. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were blue She had yellow, curling hair. Which caught th...
Standing Stones [Italian translation]
In una delle solitarie isole Orcadi viveva una dama bella- aveva guance di rosa e occhi azzurri, aveva capelli biondi e fluenti che catturarono prima ...
Stolen Child lyrics
Where dips the rocky highland Of Sleuth Wood in the lake There lies a leafy island Where flapping herons wake The drowsy water-rats There we've hid ou...
Stolen Child [French translation]
Où plonge les hauts plateaux rocheux De Sleuth Wood dans le lac Il y a une île verdoyante Où les hérons battants se réveillent Les rats d'eau somnolen...
Stolen Child [Greek translation]
Εκεί που βουτάει το οροπέδιο του Σλεθ Γουντ μέσα στην λίμνη υπάρχει ένα καταπράσινο νησί όπου φτερωτοί ερωδιοί ξυπνάνε τους νυσταλέους νερο-αρουραίους...
Stolen Child [Hungarian translation]
Ahol Sleuth Wood köves felföldje Belemerül a tóba Ott fekszik egy lombos sziget Ahol csapkodó gémek ébresztik fel Az álmos vízi-patkányokat Ott rejtet...
Stolen Child [Italian translation]
Dove l’altipiano roccioso di Sleuth Wood 1si immerge nel lago, laggiù si trova un’isola boscosa 2 dove il battito d’ali degli aironi, sveglia i topi d...
Stolen Child [Portuguese translation]
Onde as montanhas rochosas se inclinam No Bosque do Sabujo e em seu lago Lá existe uma frondosa ilha Onde garças esvoaçantes acordam No leito do lento...
Stolen Child [Romanian translation]
În josul stancosului ținut 1 Al pădurii Sleuth 2 în cel lac Acolo-i a se regăsi o frunzoasă insulă Unde Stârci3 pun în mișcare Lenevoși șoareci de apa...
Stolen Child [Romanian translation]
Acolo unde se scufundă dealurile stâncoase Ale pădurii Sleuth în lac, Se află o insulă înfrunzită, Unde bâtlani ce bat din aripi îi trezesc Pe somnoro...
Stolen Child [Russian translation]
Где скалистое нагорье Окунулось в гладь озёр, Там укрылся остров тайный, Где опоссум сонный встрепенулся От качанья крыльев цапель, Там мы прячем чуде...
Stolen Child [Spanish translation]
Allá donde se sumergen las rocosas tierras altas del bosque de Sleuth en el lago, se extiende una frondosa isla donde las garzas al aletear despiertan...
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