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Burzum lyrics
Blóðstokkinn [Soaked in Blood] [Russian translation]
Hljóðs bið ek allar helgar kindir, meiri ok minni mögu Heimdallar; viltu at ek, Valföðr, vel fyr telja forn spjöll fira, þau er fremst of man.
Budstikken lyrics
La pilen vandre fra gud til gud, i hele den hvide verden. La pilen sendes fra hus til hus, til hele vår åsaslekt. Til hvert eneste barn av gudeætt. Ti...
Budstikken [Belarusian translation]
Хай ляціць страла ад бога да бога, Па ўсяму беламу свету. Хай ляціць страла ад хата да хаты, Да ўсіх з роду багоў. Кожнаму дзіцяці з боскай радзіны, К...
Budstikken [Dutch translation]
Laat de pijl van god tot god reizen, in de hele wijde wereld. Laat de pijl van huis tot huis zenden, tot heel ons asengeslacht. Naar elk kind van ons ...
Budstikken [English translation]
Let the arrow travel from god to god, all over the wide world. Let the arrow be sent from house to house, to our entire spirit kin. To every child of ...
Budstikken [Portuguese translation]
Deixe a flecha viajar de Deus em Deus, Em todo o mundo Que a flecha seja enviada de casa em casa, Para todos os nossos parentes espirituais. Para cada...
Budstikken [Russian translation]
Да летит стрела от бога к богу, По всему белому свету. Да летит стрела от дома к дому, Ко всем из рода богов. Каждому ребёнку из божественного рода. К...
Das Einsame Trauern Von Frijo lyrics
A mother mourns the loss of her son. The most wonderful man in the world; light and shining, fair and beautiful as no other man. Light blond hair, won...
Dauði Baldrs lyrics
Pat er upphaf pessar sogu at Baldr inn goda dreymdi drauma stora ok haettliga um lif sitt. En er hann sagdi Asunum draumana pa baru peir saman rad sin...
Dauði Baldrs [English translation]
And the beginning of this story is that Baldr the good dreamed great dreams boding peril to his life. And when he told the Aesir of the dreams they to...
Dauði Baldrs [Greek translation]
Aρχή αυτής της ιστορίας είναι πως ο καλός Baldr 1 ονειρεύτηκε μεγάλα όνειρα που προμήνυαν κινδύνους για τη ζωή του. Κι όταν είπε στους Εσίρ τα όνειρα ...
Decrepitude I lyrics
Tears from the eyes so cold, tears from the eyes, in the grass so green. As I lie here, the burden is being lifted once and for all, once and for all....
Decrepitude I [Bulgarian translation]
Сълзи от очите толкова студени, сълзи от очите, в тревата толкова зелена. Докато лежа тук, тежеста се повдига, веднъж и за винаги, веднъж и за винаги....
Decrepitude I [French translation]
Larmes des yeux si froids, Larmes des yeux, dans l'herbe si verte. Comme je suis ici, le fardeau est levé une fois et pour toute, une fois et pour tou...
Decrepitude I [German translation]
Tränen aus den Augen so kalt, Tränen aus den Augen, in das Gras so grün. Als ich hier liege, wird die Bürde von mir genommen für immer und ewig, für i...
Decrepitude I [Greek translation]
Δάκρυα από τα μάτια τόσο κρύα, Δάκρυα από τα μάτια, στο γρασίδι τόσο πράσινα. Καθώς ξαπλώνω εδώ, το βάρος σηκώνεται Μια και καλή, μια και καλή. Να προ...
Decrepitude I [Hungarian translation]
Könnyek a szememből, oly hideg, könnyek a szememből, a zöldellő fűre. Ahogy itt fekszem, a súly felemelkedik rólam egyszer s mindenkorra, egyszer s mi...
Decrepitude I [Italian translation]
Lacrime dagli occhi così freddi, Lacrime dagli occhi, nell'erba così verde. Mentre giaccio qui, il fardello viene alleggerito una volta per tutte, una...
Decrepitude I [Persian translation]
اشک های بسیار سرد از چشمان، اشکها از چشمان، در چمن سبز همینطور که اینجا می‌آرامم، بار از دوشم برداشته میشود یکبار برای همیشه، یکبار برای همیشه... حواس...
Decrepitude I [Portuguese translation]
Lágrimas dos meus olhos, tão frias, Lágrimas dos meus olhos, na grama tão verde. Enquanto estou deitado aqui, o peso é retirado De uma vez por todas, ...
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