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Faun lyrics
Schrei es in die Winde [Serbian translation]
Vrištiu vetrove * vrištiu daljine vetar je slab ptice tihe tvoje disanje plitko srce kuca divlje... Tlo je vlažno (mokro) jutro hladno, šta tražiš ovd...
Schrei es in die Winde [Spanish translation]
Grita en el viento, grita en la lejanía. El viento es suave, el pájaro está silencioso, tu respiración es ligera, el corazón golpea ferozmente... El s...
Seemann lyrics
Am Ufer stand sie jung und schön, die Augen weit, die Wangen rot. Und mit den Schiffen wollt' sie ziehen ins lang geträumte Land. Und als sie durch di...
Seemann [Czech translation]
Stála na břehu, mladá a hezká Oči se jí rozšířily, tváře se začervenaly A chtěla se připevnit k té lodi Do daleké vysněné země A když procházela louko...
Seemann [English translation]
She stood on the shore, young and pretty, her eyes widening, her cheeks blushing. And she wanted to tag along with the ships to the long dreamed land....
Sieben lyrics
7 Rosen roter wie Blut, 7 seidene Hemden dazu, 7 Namen, die geb ich dir, doch deinen Ring, den will ich dafür. 7 Rosen roter wie Blut, 7 seidene Hemde...
Sieben [English translation]
7 roses,red as blood 7 silken shirts , 7 names,that I will give to you But it's your ring that I want for it 7 roses,red as blood 7 silken shirts 7 na...
Sieben [Italian translation]
7 rose più rosse del sangue, e in più 7 camicie di seta, 7 nomi ti dò, ma in cambio voglio il tuo anello. 7 rose più rosse del sangue, e in più 7 cami...
Sieben [Turkish translation]
Sana vereceğim yedi kan kırmızı gül Yedi ipek gömlek Yedi de sıfat1 var Ama karşılığında halkanı isterim Yedi kan kırmızı gülü Yedi ipek gömleği Yedi ...
Sieben Raben lyrics
Es flogen sieben Raben. Es werden meine Brüder sein. Es werden meine Brüder sein. Sieben Lieder sangen wir, doch sechs davon blieben zurück. So blieb ...
Sieben Raben [Czech translation]
Letělo sedm havranů Budou to moji bratři Budou to moji bratři Sedm písní, které jsme zpívali Jen šest jich zůstalo Takže tu byla jen naděje A píseň za...
Sieben Raben [English translation]
Seven ravens flew. They will be my brothers. They will be my brothers. Seven songs we sang, but six were left behind. Thus only the hope for a song fo...
Sigurdlied lyrics
Wollt ihr hören nun mein Lied, viel kann ich euch sagen Von der großen güldnen Zeit, von Altvätertagen Brynhild sitzt im hohen Saal, strahlend dort vo...
Sigurdlied [English translation]
Would you care to listen to my song? There are so many things I can tell you From the days of our ancient fathers: The Golden Age! There she sat, her ...
Sigurdlied [English translation]
Would you (all) like to hear my song? There is much I can tell you About the great golden age. About the days of fathers past. Brunhilde sits in the g...
Sigurdlied [Italian translation]
Volete ascoltare la mia canzone? C'è molto che posso raccontarvi circa l'età dell'Oro, riguardo ai giorni vissuti dai nostri padri Brunilde siede nell...
Sigurdlied [Spanish translation]
¿Os gustaría escuchar mi canción? Hay mucho que os puedo decir Desde la gran edad de oro, de los días de nuestros antepasados Brunhilde se sienta en l...
Sirena lyrics
Mi esposita está en el baño, vestida de colorado. Si, a la mar yo bien me echaba; si la sirena licencia me daba. Échate a la mar y alcanza, Échate a l...
Sirena [Czech translation]
Má drahá žena je ve vaně Oblečená v rudém Ano, mohl bych se svalit do moře Kdyby mi to siréna povolila Vydej se k moři a natáhni se Vydej se k moři! M...
Sirena [English translation]
My dear wife is in the bath, Dressed in red Yes, in the sea I would well throw myself If the siren gave me permission Take to the sea and reach Take t...
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