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Melanie C lyrics
Never Be The Same Again [Greek translation]
έλα, ω, ναι Ποτέ η ίδια ξανά σε παίρνω τηλέφωνο όποτε τα πράγματα πάνε στραβά είσαι πάντα εκεί, είσαι ο ώμος μου για να κλαίω δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι...
Never Be The Same Again [Italian translation]
Coraggio. Ooh, dai. Non sarà più la stesa cosa. Ti telefono ogni volta che le cose vanno male. Ci sei sempre. Sei la spalla su cui posso piangere. Non...
Never Be The Same Again [Lithuanian translation]
Nagi. Ooh, yeah. Niekad nebūsiu vėl tokia pati Aš skambinu tau, kai viskas tampa blogai Tu visada čia. Tu esi petis, ant kurio verkiu Aš negaliu patik...
Never Be The Same Again [Romanian translation]
Haide, oh, da Nu va mai fi niciodată la fel. Te sun de fiecare dată când lucrurile merg prost, Eşti mereu acolo, eşti umărul pe care plâng, Nu-mi vine...
Never Be The Same Again [Russian translation]
Я зову тебя, когда всё идёт наперекосяк Ты всегда откликаешься. Ты моё плечо, на котором можно поплакать Не могу поверить, что мне нужно было столько ...
Never Be The Same Again [Serbian translation]
Hajde. Ooh, da. Nikad neće biti isto. Zovem te kad god stvari krenu naopako. Uvek si tu. Ti si moje rame za plakanje. Ne mogu da verujem da mi je treb...
Never Be The Same Again [Spanish translation]
Vamos. Oh, sí. Nunca volverá a ser lo mismo. Te pego un toque cada vez que las cosas van mal. Siempre estás ahí. Eres el hombre en el que lloro. No pu...
Never Be The Same Again [Tongan translation]
Ha'u leva. 'Oi, 'io. 'Ikai ke toe hoko tatau. Neu ta 'atu kiate koe 'e kapau 'oku hoko kovi ha me'a 'Oku ke tauhi au ma'u pe. Ko koe ko hoku uma keu t...
Northern Star lyrics
They tried to catch a falling star. Thinking that she had gone too far. She did but kept it hidden well. Until she cracked and then she fell. If all t...
Northern Star [Greek translation]
Προσπάθησαν να πιάσουν ένα αστέρι που πέφτει, σκεπτόμενοι ότι είχε φτάσει πολύ μακριά. Έφτασε αλλά το κράτησε καλά κρυμμένο, μέχρι που ράγισε και μετά...
Northern Star [Romanian translation]
Au încercat sa prindă o stea căzătoare Gândindu-se că a ajuns prea departe A făcut-o dar a ţinut-o bine ascunsă Până s-a spart şi apoi a căzut. Dacă î...
Northern Star [Spanish translation]
Intentaron atrapar una estrella fugaz Pensando que ella había llegado demasiado lejos. Lo hizo, pero la guardó bien escondida Hasta que se agrietó y, ...
Nowhere To Run lyrics
Let it in, breathe it out Exhale the things that I've done I’m so fucking careful Weighed down by the undertone God, I wish I was numb Familiar burden...
Numb lyrics
I believe starry eyes, with every drop there's a healing Let it be, let 'em cry, but just don't keep the pain inside, inside Let go of the pain inside...
On The Horizon lyrics
People see different things When they look on the horizon Do you see dark clouds rolling in fast Cos baby they ain't gonna last And I can't see anybod...
On The Horizon [Portuguese translation]
As pessoas vêem coisas distintas Quando elas olham para o horizonte Você vê nuvens escuras rolando rapidamente Porque, meu amor, elas não vão durar E ...
Our history lyrics
In the guise of my protection you claim your innocence A little time, some reflection Still doesn't make sense When it comes to you and me I know we'r...
Our history [Russian translation]
Под предлогом моей защиты, ты заявляешь о своей непричастности, Немного времени, период раздумий, Это до сих пор не имеет никакого смысла. Когда насту...
Overload lyrics
How long can I float In shark infested water? No rocking the boat Don't move, sit quiet, the way I oughta I don’t wannabe your acceptable version of m...
Rock Me lyrics
Rock me baby Rock me baby Rock me better into the beat You make wanna throw my hands in the air-air-air Rock me baby Rock me take me over come on let'...
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