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The Wolfe Tones lyrics
The Foggy Dew lyrics
As down the glen one Easter morn to a city fair rode I There Armed lines of marching men in squadrons passed me by No pipe did hum, no battle drum did...
The Foggy Dew [Czech translation]
Jednoho velikonočního rána jel jsem dolů údolím okolo mě pochodovaly eskadry ozbrojených mužů A nepištěly dudy, ani válečné bubny nezněly vojenskými p...
The Foggy Dew [French translation]
15.Je chevauchais, à Pâque,dans la vallée vers une foire 15 Quand des escadrons d'hommes armés, en rang, me dépassèrent 14. Sans fifre ni tambour Mais...
The Foggy Dew [Italian translation]
1Una mattina di Pasqua cavalcavo per una stretta valle verso una fiera città Lì mi passarono dinanzi file di uomini armati in marcia Né cornamusa suon...
The Foggy Dew [Polish translation]
Z pierwszym Wielkiej Niedzieli porankiem, z doliny na rynek miejski wyjechałem Zbrojne szwadrony marszem mnie minęły Nie brzmiała żadna duda, żaden bę...
The Foggy Dew [Turkish translation]
Bir Paskalya sabahı küçük vadiden hoş bir şehire gittiğimde Orada yanımdan geçti silahlı adamlar, süvari taburlarında Ne bir düdük uğuldadı, ne de bir...
The Wearing Of The Green
Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear The news that's goin' round, The shamrock is by law forbid To grow on Irish ground. Saint Patrick's Day no more we'l...
The Wearing Of The Green [Esperanto translation]
Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear The news that's goin' round, The shamrock is by law forbid To grow on Irish ground. Saint Patrick's Day no more we'l...
The Wearing Of The Green [Italian translation]
Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear The news that's goin' round, The shamrock is by law forbid To grow on Irish ground. Saint Patrick's Day no more we'l...
Admiral William Brown lyrics
From a county Mayo town came a man of great renown As a sailor and a soldier was none bolder He went to America at an early age they say As a cabin bo...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans lyrics
I was born on a Dublin street where the Royal drums do beat And the loving English feet they tramped all over us, And each and every night when me fat...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Bulgarian translation]
Роден съм на дъблинска улица, където кралските тъпани звучаха И любящите английски крака, те само ни тъпчеха, И всяка вечер, когато баща ми се прибира...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Chinese translation]
我生在都柏林的街道,皇家鼓会在这敲响 英国佬的蹄子践踏着我们 每当夜深人静时,父亲警觉地回到家 他把街坊邻居招呼过来一块唱: 黑棕部队滚出来 像个爷们跟咱干一仗 让你女人瞅瞅你咋在佛兰德斯得的勋章 告诉他们共和军咋把你们打的狼奔豕突 从草地到基拉尚德拉的巷子 过来让我们听听你咋说 你们咋个抨击伟大的...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [French translation]
Je suis né dans une rue de Dublin où battaient les tambours royaux, Où les gentils pieds anglais nous piétinaient les os, Où, chaque soir, mon père, r...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [German translation]
Ich bin geboren in einer Dubliner Straße, Royal Drums dröhnten, Und die liebevollen englischen Füße trampelten alle auf uns rum. Und jede Nacht, wenn ...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Italian translation]
Sono nato in una strada di Dublino dove suonano i tamburi della regina E gli affettuosi piedi inglesi ci hanno calpestato, E ogni sera quando mio padr...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Russian translation]
Я родился на улице Дублина, где слышен бой королевских барабанов И где любимые английские ноги топают вокруг нас И каждый вечер, когда мой отец приход...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Serbian translation]
Рођен сам на улицама Даблина где краљевски бубњеви туку, и нежно британско стопало нас је прегазило, а свако вече, када би мој отац дошао кући позвао ...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Spanish translation]
Nací en una calle de Dublín, donde retumban los tambores reales y los amorosos pies ingleses nos pisoteaban, Y todas las noches, cuando mi padre llega...
Come Out Ye Black and Tans [Turkish translation]
Kraliyet davullarının çaldığı bir Dublin1 sokağında doğdum Sevgi dolu İngiliz ayakları altında ezilmeye başladık, Ve babam her gece eve kafayı çekmiş ...
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