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Kukryniksy also performed lyrics
World In My Eyes lyrics
Let me take you on a trip Around the world and back And you won’t have to move You just sit still Now let your mind do the walking And let my body do ...
World In My Eyes [Aromanian translation]
Va-ńi ti l’eau t-unâ tâxidi Di-anvârliga ș-nâpoi Și nu va s-ti ńișțâ Mași s-șeḑ Tora alasâ-ț mintea s-țâ avuzeascâ Si corpulu a meu va țâ greascâ Va ț...
World In My Eyes [Croatian translation]
Dopusti mi da te povedem na put Oko svijeta i nazad I nećeš se morati pomaknuti Samo mirno sjedi Sad pusti neka tvoj um hoda I pusti neka moje tijelo ...
World In My Eyes [French translation]
Laisse-moi t'amener en voyage Un aller-retour autour du monde Et tu n'auras même pas à bouger Reste simplement assise là Maintenant, laisse ton esprit...
World In My Eyes [German translation]
Lass dich mit auf eine Reise nehmen Um die Welt und zurück Du musst dich nicht bewegen Du bleibst einfach ruhig sitzen Nun lasse Deiner Fantasie freie...
World In My Eyes [Greek translation]
Άσε με να σε πάω ένα ταξιδάκι Γύρω γύρω στον κόσμο και πίσω Και δε θα χρειάζεται να κουνιέσαι Εσύ απλά κάτσε ακίνητη Τώρα άσε το μυαλό σου να κάνει το...
World In My Eyes [Hungarian translation]
Hadd vigyelek egy utazásra A világ körül és vissza És neked nem kell megmozdulnod Csak ülj le. Most pedig engedd el az elméd, hogy járjon És hadd besz...
World In My Eyes [Portuguese translation]
Deixe-me levá-la para uma viagem Em torno do mundo e voltar E você nem ter que se mover Você só tem que se sentar quieta Agora deixe que sua mente cam...
World In My Eyes [Romanian translation]
Lasa-ma sa te duc intr-o calatorie In jurul lumii si inapoi Iar tu nu trebuie sa te misti Tu doar stai nemiscat(a) Acum lasa-ti mintea sa umble Si las...
World In My Eyes [Serbian translation]
Dozvoli da te povedem na put Oko sveta i nazad A nećeš morati da se pomeriš Samo mirno sedi Sad, pusti neka tvoj um hoda I pusti nek moje telo govori ...
World In My Eyes [Spanish translation]
Déjame llevarte en un viaje Por todo el mundo y de vuelta Y no tendrás que moverte Sólo siéntate Deja que tu mente camine Y deja que mi cuerpo hable D...
World In My Eyes [Turkish translation]
Seni bir yolculuğa çıkarayım Dünya ve ötesi etrafında Ve hareket etmek zorunda kalmayacaksın Kıpırdamadan otur yalnızca Şimdi zihninin yürüyüş yapması...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] lyrics
Весна опять пришла и лучики тепла Доверчиво глядят в моё окно. Опять защемит грудь И в душу влезет грусть По памяти пойдёт со мной. Пойдёт, разворошит...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [Bulgarian translation]
Пролетта дойде отново и топлите лъчи гледат доверчиво в прозореца ми. И в гърдите ми отново пропълзява тъга и мъка сграбчва душата ми и плъзва се в па...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [Czech translation]
Jaro je tu zas a paprsky tepla se důvěřivě dívají do mého okna. Zase zabolí u srdce a do duše vleze stesk, po vzpomínkách půjde se mnou. Půjde, osvěží...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [English translation]
spring have come again and rays of warmness Look at my window trustfully. Again I feel my heart ached And sadness will get into soul Will remember my ...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [English translation]
Now spring has come again, And through my window pane Its warm and trustful rays caress my face. And then my soul will ache, And heartwill bleed and b...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [English translation]
Again the spring has come, And warming rays of sun Are looking in my cell through window-panes Again the heart will ache The feelings will awake And m...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [English translation]
The spring is back, and the rays of warmth Are trustingly peering in my window. My chest will ache again And sadness will creep into my soul On this w...
Владимирский централ [Vladimirskii Tsentral] [Finnish translation]
Kevät sekä lämmönsäteet tulivat jälleen ne katsovat luottavaisesti ikkunaani. Rintaa pistää taas ja suru tulee sieluun ja kulkee muistoissani. Kulkee,...
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