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Asaf Avidan lyrics
Different Pulses [Greek translation]
Η ζωή μου είναι σαν μια πληγή που ξύνω για να ματώνω Αναμασώ τις λέξεις μου,γράφω για να τρέφομαι Και ο Θάνατος μεγαλώνει σαν δέντρο που φυτεύτηκε στο...
Different Pulses [Russian translation]
Моя жизнь как рана, расцарапываю чтобы кровоточить Срыгиваю свои слова, пишу чтобы питаться А смерть растет как дерево, посаженное в моей груди Его ко...
Different Pulses [Turkish translation]
Hayatım bir yara gibi, kaşıyorum ki kanayabileyim Sözlerimi geri kus, yazıyorum ki besleyebileyim Ve ölüm göğsüme ekilmiş bir ağaç gibi büyüyor Kökler...
Gold Shadow lyrics
There's a gold shadow Seeping through the door There's a cold sparrow Lying still upon the floor Dead and true as lipstick Slow as the speed of skin T...
Gold Shadow [Russian translation]
Там тень золотая Просвечивает из-под двери И воробей лежит холодный Неподвижно на полу Мертвый и явный как помада И плавно, как кожа, скользит Золотая...
Her Lies lyrics
She said "baby, get down on your knees" I said "babe if you insist" She said "why do you keep seeing things you know that don't exist" I said "baby, I...
Is This It lyrics
If I threw my broken body Let it shatter on the rocks Would you pick up all my imperfections Keep them hidden in your jewelry box Would you help this ...
Is This It [Russian translation]
Если я сброшу своё избитое тело И, допустим, разобьётся оно о скалы Собрал бы ты тогда все мои несовершенства, Хранил бы их в шкатулке для драгоценнос...
Is This It [Serbian translation]
Ako bacim svoje slomljeno telo Pusti ga da se razbije na steama Da li bi pokupila sve moje nesavršenosti Držala ih sakrivene u svojoj kutiji za nakit ...
Little Parcels Of An Endless Time lyrics
Little parcels of the past are spinning down towards the gyre And a sinuous truth unvoiced is stretching up forever higher Leaves of places, leaves of...
Losing hand lyrics
Your slot machine is broken But that's where my coins will go I'm a gambling man, I am But I like it when the odds are low You're dealing from your el...
Losing hand [French translation]
Tu es lessivée mais je vais quand même parier sur toi1. Je suis un joueur, un vrai mais j'aime les paris risqués. Tu tires les cartes de tes manches2 ...
Lost Horse lyrics
All my body's undulating back and forth but it's too late and there's no cure and no sedating this prolonged, insane, grotesque thing that we wrongly ...
Love It Or Leave It lyrics
Long are the days When you're turning away From the reasons you strung Long is the way When you're aching to say But your teeth bite your tongue Loud ...
Love It Or Leave It [Greek translation]
Μεγάλες οι μέρες Όταν απομακρύνεσαι Από τους λόγους που είσαι νευρικός Μακρύς ο δρόμος Όταν πεθαίνεις να πεις κάτι Μα τα δόντια σου δαγκώνουν την γλώσ...
Love It Or Leave It [Russian translation]
Дни - длинные Когда ты отказываешься От причин, которые ты связывала Путь - длинный Когда ты томишься желанием говорить Но твои зубы кусают твой язык ...
Love It Or Leave It [Serbian translation]
Dugi su dani Kad si ostavljala Od razloga shto su bili na zici Dug je put Kad si drhtala pred da kazhesh Ali su tvoje zubi stisnule jezik Glasan je ve...
Love It Or Leave It [Spanish translation]
Largos son los dias cuando das la vuelta por las razones que te ponen nerviosa Largo es el camino cuando te duele decirlo pero tus dientes muerden tu ...
Love It Or Leave It [Turkish translation]
günler uzun sıraladığın nedenlerden yüz çevirdiğin zaman yol uzun söylemek seni acıttığı zaman ama dişlerin dilini ısırdığında rüzgar uğulduyor kulakl...
Maybe You Are lyrics
They met when he was in a hospital he whispered "I ain't got no heart" into the room She said "I'll make you smile again" and made an airplane out of ...
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