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The Kinks lyrics
Come Dancing [Spanish translation]
Pusieron un estacionamiento en un terreno Donde solía haber un supermercado Antes, pusieron una bolera Donde solía estar el salón de bailes local Allí...
Dandy lyrics
Dandy, Dandy Where you gonna go now? Who you gonna run to? All you life You're chasing all the girls They can't resist your smile Oh, they long for Da...
Days lyrics
Thank you for the days, Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me. I'm thinking of the days, I won't forget a single day, believe me. I bless ...
Days [German translation]
Danke dir für die Tage, Diese endlosen Tage, diese heiligen Tage, die du mir schenktest. Ich denke an die Tage, Ich werden keinen einzigen davon verge...
Death of a Clown lyrics
My makeup is dry and it cracks round my chin I'm drowning my sorrows in whiskey and gin The lion-tamer's whip doesn't crack anymore The lions they won...
Death of a Clown [German translation]
Mein Makeup ist trocken und schon rissig am Kinn Ich ertränke meine Sorgen in Whisky und Gin Die Peitsche des Löwenbändigers knallt nicht mehr Die Löw...
Death of a Clown [Romanian translation]
Machiajul meu e uscat şi se crapă-n bărbie îmi înec tristeţile în whiskey şi gin biciul dresorului de lei nu mai plesneşte leii nu mai luptă şi tigrii...
Death of a Clown [Serbian translation]
Moja šminka je suva i puca mi oko brade Topim svoju tugu u viskiju i džinu Bič krotitelja lavova ne puca više Lavovi se neće boriti i tigrovi neće rik...
Death of a Clown [Spanish translation]
Mi maquillaje está seco y se quiebra alrededor del mentón Ahogo mis penas en whiskey y ginebra El látigo del domador de leones ya no se escucha más Lo...
Dedicated Follower of Fashion lyrics
They seek him here, they seek him there His clothes are loud, but never square It will make or break him so he's got to buy the best 'Cause he's a ded...
Dedicated Follower of Fashion [Dutch translation]
Ze zoeken hem hier, ze zoeken hem daar. Zijn kleren zijn schreeuwerig, maar nooit burgerlijk. Het kan hem maken of breken, dus hij moet het beste kope...
Dedicated Follower of Fashion [French translation]
On le cherche ici, on le cherche là Ses tenues sont voyantes, mais jamais classiques Comme sa vie en dépend, il achète ce qu'il y a de mieux Car c'est...
Dedicated Follower of Fashion [German translation]
Man sucht ihn hier, man sucht ihn da Seine Kleidung ist schrill und niemals spießig Damit steht und fällt er, deshalb kauft er nur das Beste Denn er i...
Dedicated Follower of Fashion [Serbian translation]
Траже га овде, траже га тамо, Његова одећа је упадљива, никад обична. То ће га створити или уништити па мора да купи најбоље, Јер он је посвећени след...
Don't You Fret lyrics
Don't you fret, now, I'll be there I'll be there to hold your hand. I'll be there to see the sunrise, As it lightens up the sky. Don't you fret, now, ...
Don't You Fret [French translation]
Ne t'inquiète pas, maintenant, je serai là Je serai là pour te tenir la main. Je serai là pour voir le lever du soleil, Tandis qu'il éclaire le ciel. ...
Give the People What They Want lyrics
Hey, hey, hey... Give the people what they want Well, it's been said before, the world is a stage A different performance with every age. Open the his...
Give the People What They Want [German translation]
Hey, hey, hey... Gebt den Leuten, was sie wollen Nun, es wurde schon gesagt, die Welt ist ein Theater Eine unterschiedliche Aufführung mit jedem Zeita...
I Go To Sleep lyrics
When I look up from my pillow I dream you are there with me. Though you are far away I know you'll always be near to me. I go to sleep, sleep, and ima...
I Go To Sleep [French translation]
Quand je regarde par-dessus mon oreiller je rêve que tu es là avec moi Bien que tu sois très loin je sais que tu seras toujours près de moi Je vais do...
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