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Carly Rae Jepsen also performed lyrics
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [German translation]
Rocken um den Weihnachtsbaum Beim Weihnachtsfeier-Tanz Mistelzweige, wo du auch hinschaust Jedes Paar versucht anzuhalten Rocken um den Weihnachtsbaum...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Greek translation]
Ροκάροντας γύρω από το χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο Στο χριστουγεννιάτικο πάρτυ χορού Γκι, κρεμασμένα, όπου μπορείς να δεις Κάθε ζευγάρι προσπαθεί να σταμ...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Romanian translation]
Învârtindu-ne în jurul bradului de Crăciun La petrecerea de Crăciun Vâscul e agăţat acolo unde vedeţi că Fiecare cuplu încearcă să se oprească. Învârt...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Spanish translation]
Bailando alrededor del árbol de Navidad En la fiesta bailable de Navidad Hay muérdago colgando, donde se puede ver Todas las parejas tratan de parar.*...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Turkish translation]
Noel ağacının etrafında geziniyorum Noel parti hop'un da Ökseotu görebileceğiniz yerlerde asılı Her çift durmaya çalışıyor Noel ağacının etrafında dur...
Sunshine on My Shoulders lyrics
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [Croatian translation]
Sunčev sjaj na mojim ramenima čini me sretnim Sunčev sjaj u mojim očima može me natjerati na plač Sunčev sjaj na vodi izgleda tako lijepo Sunčev sjaj ...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [French translation]
Du soleil sur mes épaules et je suis heureux, Le soleil dans les yeux peut me faire pleurer mais Les reflets du soleil sur l'eau, c'est magnifique, Le...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [French translation]
Les rayons du soleil sur mes épaules me font plaisir Les rayons du soleil à mes yeux peuvent me faire pleurer Les rayons du soleil sur l'eau est si be...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [Persian translation]
نور آفتاب رو شونه هام منو خوشحال میکنه نور آفتاب تو چشمام میتونه به گریه ام بندازه نور آفتاب روی آب چقدر دوست داشتنی به نظر میاد نور آفتاب تقریبا همیش...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [Romanian translation]
Raza de soare pe umerii mei mă face fericit, Raza de soare în ochii mei mă poate face să plâng, Raza de soare pe apă arată atât de minunat! Raza de so...
Sunshine on My Shoulders [Spanish translation]
La luz del sol en mis hombros me hace feliz La luz del sol en mis ojos puede hacerme llorar La luz del sol sobre el agua luce tan encantadora La luz d...
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