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Gene Pitney lyrics
Only Love Can Break A Heart lyrics
Only love can break a heart, Only love can mend it again. Last night I hurt you but darlin' remember this: Only love can break a heart, Only love can ...
Only Love Can Break A Heart [German translation]
Nur Liebe kann ein Herz brechen, Nur Liebe kann es wieder heilen. Letzte Nacht tat ich dir weh, mein Schatz, doch denk' daran: Nur Liebe kann ein Herz...
Only Love Can Break A Heart [Italian translation]
Solo l'amore può spezzare un cuore, Solo l'amore può guarirlo di nuovo. Ieri sera ti ho ferita, ma tesoro, ricorda: Solo l'amore può spezzare un cuore...
Only Love Can Break A Heart [Romanian translation]
Doar iubirea poate sfărâma o inimă, Doar iubirea o poate vindeca la loc. Azi-noapte te-am rănit, dar scumpo, ține minte asta: Doar iubirea poate sfărâ...
Only Love Can Break A Heart [Ukrainian translation]
Тільки любов може розбити серце, Тільки любов може полагодити знову його. Минулої ночі я зачепив тебе, але дорога пам'ятай це: Тільки любов може розби...
Princess in Rags lyrics
There's a girl who lives down the track In a little shack made of timber wood And her clothes are all hand-me-downs From the folks in town who treat h...
Princess in Rags [German translation]
Es gibt ein Mädchen, das an der Bahnstrecke lebt In einer kleinen Hütte aus Holz Und all ihre Kleider sind alte Klamotten Von den Leuten in der Stadt,...
She's a Heartbreaker lyrics
I've got another heartbreaker on my hands Girl, I can't stand up to you and be a normal man My heart can't take it, I'm fallin' in love with you You'l...
She's a Heartbreaker [German translation]
Ich habe wieder eine Herzensbrecherinr in den Händen Mädchen, ich kann dir nichtstandhalten und ein normaler Mann sein Mein Herz kann es nicht ertrage...
She’s a Rebel lyrics
See the way she walks down the street See the way she shuffles her feet How she holds her head up high When she goes walking by, I could die When she ...
She’s a Rebel [German translation]
Schau, wie sie die Straße entlang geht Schau die Art, wie sie dahinschlurft Wie sie ihren Kopf hoch hält Wenn sie vorbeigeht, könnte ich sterben Wenn ...
Solo el amor lyrics
Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi...
Solo el amor [English translation]
Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi...
Solo el amor [German translation]
Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi...
Solo el amor [Russian translation]
Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi canción de amor. Escúchala con tu corazón. ~~~~~ (silbido) Esta es mi...
Gene Pitney - Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart
Something's gotten hold of my heart Keeping my soul and my senses apart Something's gotten into my life Cutting it's way through my dreams like a knif...
Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart [Arabic translation]
Something's gotten hold of my heart Keeping my soul and my senses apart Something's gotten into my life Cutting it's way through my dreams like a knif...
Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart [German translation]
Something's gotten hold of my heart Keeping my soul and my senses apart Something's gotten into my life Cutting it's way through my dreams like a knif...
Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart [Greek translation]
Something's gotten hold of my heart Keeping my soul and my senses apart Something's gotten into my life Cutting it's way through my dreams like a knif...
Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart [Hebrew translation]
Something's gotten hold of my heart Keeping my soul and my senses apart Something's gotten into my life Cutting it's way through my dreams like a knif...
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