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Zayn lyrics
Borders [French translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [German translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Italian translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Persian translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Romanian translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Serbian translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Spanish translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Borders [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] She is the life of the party Don't stick that knife in my body It's something she always wanted It's for a good cause you're doing a good jo...
Bright lyrics
I found my life in between shots and getting high The cage I was in fell away when she asked me to dance again I found my life in between a first kiss...
Bright [Croatian translation]
Pronašao san svoj život između snimki i napušavanja Kavez u kojem sam bio je nestao kad me pitala oću li plesati ponovno Pronašao sam svoj život izmeđ...
Bright [German translation]
Ich fand mein Leben zwischen einem Glas und Drogen Der Käfig, in dem ich gefangen war, löste sich auf, als sie mich bat mit ihr erneut zu tanzen Ich f...
Bright [Italian translation]
Mi sono ritrovato a bere e drogarmi La mia gabbia si è rotta quando lei mi ha chiesto di ballare ancora Mi sono ritrovato in mezzo a un primo bacio e ...
Bright [Portuguese translation]
Achei minha vida entre bebidas e ficando chapado A jaula em que eu estive, foi pra longe quando ela me pediu pra dançar de novo Achei minha vida dentr...
Bright [Romanian translation]
Mi-am găsit viața între shot-uri și fumat Cușca în care eram a căzut când ea m-a rugat să dansez iarăși Mi-am găsit viața între un prim sărut și un ul...
Bright [Serbian translation]
Pronašao sam svoj život između pogotka i drogiranja Kavez u kom sam bio je otpao kada me pitala da opet plešemo Pronašao sam svoj život između prvog p...
Bright [Spanish translation]
Encontré mi vida entre tragos y drogas La jaula en la que estaba cayó cuando ella me pidió volver a bailar Encontré mi vida entre un primer beso y un ...
Bright [Turkish translation]
hayatımı bir fırt içki ve kafayı bulmanın arasında buldum Bulunduğum kafes düştü o bana yeniden dans etmeyi teklif ederken Hayatımı ilk öpücük ve son ...
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