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NF lyrics
I'm Ready lyrics
I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Yo I ain't what you assume so think twice I guarantee that they don't have a clue what I think like I might co...
I'm Ready [Croatian translation]
I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Yo I ain't what you assume so think twice I guarantee that they don't have a clue what I think like I might co...
I'm Ready [Turkish translation]
I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Yo I ain't what you assume so think twice I guarantee that they don't have a clue what I think like I might co...
I've Been There lyrics
'Cause I've been there And I know how it feels to lose your way And lose the real you once knew existed And I know I know how it feels to go astray an...
If You Want Love lyrics
[Verse One - ] I just need some time, I’m trying to think straight I just need a moment in my own space Ask me how I’m doin’, I say, “Okay” Yeah, but ...
If You Want Love [Bulgarian translation]
[Първи куплет] Нужно ми е просто малко време, опитвам се да мисля правилно. Нужен ми е просто един миг в собственото ми пространство. Питат ме как съм...
If You Want Love [Croatian translation]
[1 Strofa] Treba mi samo malo vremena, pokušavam da mislim razumno Treba mi samo trenutak u mom prostoru Pitaj me kako sam, reći ću "Dobro" Da, zar ni...
If You Want Love [French translation]
[Premier couplet - ] J'ai juste besoin de temps, j'essaie de réfléchir J'ai juste besoin d'un moment dans mon propre espace Demande-moi comment je vai...
If You Want Love [Greek translation]
[Στίχος 1] Απλά χρειάζομαι λίγο χρόνο, προσπαθώ να σκεφτώ καθαρά Απλά χρειάζομαι μία στιγμή στο δικό μου χώρο Ρώτα με πως είμαι, θα πω, "Εντάξει" Ναι,...
If You Want Love [Romanian translation]
Strofa 1 - Am nevoie de puțin timp, încerc să gândesc limpede Am nevoie de o clipă în spațiul meu Întreabă-mă ce fac, spun, ”Bine” Mda, nu asta spunem...
If You Want Love [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Solo necesito un poco de tiempo, solo estoy tratando de pensar con claridad Solo necesito un momento en mi propio espacio Me preguntan cómo ...
If You Want Love [Swedish translation]
Vers 1: Jag behöver lite tid, jag försöker tänka jag behöver lite tid att vara ensam fråga hur jag mår, jag säger "okej" ja, men är det inte det vi al...
If You Want Love [Turkish translation]
[1. Kıta] Sadece biraz zamana ihtiyacım var, düzgün düşünmeye çalışıyorum Kendi alanımda biraz zamana ihtiyacım var Bana ''nasıl olduğumu'' sorarsan, ...
If You Want Love [Turkish translation]
[Verse] Sadece biraz zamana ihtiyacım var, doğru düşünmeyi deniyorum Kendi alanımda sadece bir an'a ihtiyacım var Bana nasıl gidiyor diye sor, "İyidir...
Intro lyrics
I'm lookin' like I'm gonna get it, you probably don't get it I come in your house with a microphone Lookin' like I'm about to set up a show in your ki...
Intro [Bosnian translation]
Gledam kao da ću ga uzeti, vjerovatno ne shvaćaš Dođem u tvoju kuću sa mikrofonom Izgledam kao da ću napraviti šou u tvojoj kuhinji Izvan sam uma ali ...
Intro II lyrics
[Verse] (Yeah!) I'm back, did anyone miss me? They said the second record can be tricky Well, that's kind of funny, 'cause I am not trippin' My fans—t...
Intro II [Bosnian translation]
[Verse] (Yeah!) I'm back, did anyone miss me? They said the second record can be tricky Well, that's kind of funny, 'cause I am not trippin' My fans—t...
Intro III lyrics
What, are you scared of me? It's embarassing If it wasn't for me, you would've never wrote Therapy I've been here for you, but how come you're never t...
Intro III [Bosnian translation]
Šta, je li te strah mene ? To je sramotno Da nije bilo mene, ti ne bi nikada napisao Therapy Bio sam ovdje za tebe, ali kako to da ti nisi nikad bio z...
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