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The Human League lyrics
Don't You Want Me
You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar When I met you I picked you out, I shook you up, and turned you around Turned you into someone new No...
Don't You Want Me [Dutch translation]
Je was aan het werken als serveerster in een cocktail bar Toen ik je ontmoette Ik pikte jou uit, Ik schudde je wakker, en jij draaide om Veranderd in ...
Don't You Want Me [Finnish translation]
Olit töissä tarjoilijattarena cocktailbaarissa Kun tapasin sinut Valitsin sinut joukosta, ravistelin sinua, ja käänsin sinut ympäri Muutin sinut uudek...
Don't You Want Me [French translation]
Tu étais serveuse dans un bar à cocktails Lorsque je t'ai rencontrée Je t'ai choisie, je t'ai secouée, et je t'ai retournée Je t'ai transformée en que...
Don't You Want Me [German translation]
Du hast als Bedienung in einer Cocktailbar gearbeitet wo ich dich getroffen habe Ich habe dich geschnappt, dich wachgerüttelt und umgedreht, dich zu e...
Don't You Want Me [Greek translation]
Δούλευες σαν σερβιτόρα σε ένα κοκτέιλ μπαρ Όταν σε συνάντησα Σε διάλεξα,σε συγκλόνισα και σε άλλαξα Σε άλλαξα σε κάτι καινούργιο Τώρα,πέντε χρόνια αργ...
Don't You Want Me [Hungarian translation]
Pincérnőként dolgoztál egy koktélbárban, amikor megismertelek. Felismertelek, felkavartalak, megforgattalak, egy új emberré változtattalak. Most, 5 év...
Don't You Want Me [Italian translation]
Lavoravi come cameriera in un cocktail bar Quando ti ho incontrata Ti ho adocchiata, ho fatto colpo, e ti ho convinta Ti ho trasformata in un'altra pe...
Don't You Want Me [Romanian translation]
Lucrai ca ospătăriţă într-un cocktail bar Atunci când te-am cunoscut, Te-am agăţat, te-am scuturat şi te-am schimbat Te-am schimbat în cineva nou, Acu...
Don't You Want Me [Russian translation]
Ты работала официанткой в коктейль-баре Когда я встретил тебя Я выбрал тебя, встряхнул и изменил Превратив в совершенно другого человека Теперь пять л...
Don't You Want Me [Serbian translation]
Radila si kao konobarica u koktel baru Kada sam te upoznao Odvukao sam te odavde, trgnuo te, i promenio te Pretvorio sam te u nekog novog Sada pet god...
Don't You Want Me [Spanish translation]
Estabas trabajando como camarera en un bar de cócteles Cuando te conocí Te elegí, te sacudí y te di vuelta Te convertí en alguien nuevo Ahora, cinco a...
Don't You Want Me [Turkish translation]
Bir kokteyl barında garson olarak çalışıyordun Seninle tanıştığım zaman Gözüme seni kestirdim, değiştirdim ve düzlüğe çıkardım seni Dönüştürdüm seni y...
Don't You Want Me [Turkish translation]
Seninle tanıştığımda kokteyl barda garson olarak çalışıyordun Seni fark ettim,sarstım ve seni altüst ettim Seni yeni birine dönüştürdüm Şimdi,beş yıl ...
Being Boiled
Ok, ready, let's do it... Listen to the voice of Buddha Saying stop your sericulture Little people like your offspring Boiled alive for some Gods stoc...
Being Boiled [German translation]
OK, fertig, los geht's... Hört auf Buddhas Stimme Die euch sagt "Schluss mit der Seidenraupenzucht" Kleine Menschen, wie zum Beispiel eure Kinder Lebe...
[Keep Feeling] Fascination lyrics
[Verse 1] If it seems a little time is needed Decisions to be made The good advice of friends unheeded The best of plans mislaid Just looking for a ne...
[Keep Feeling] Fascination [French translation]
[Couplet 1] S'il semble qu'un peu de temps est nécessaire Et qu'il y a des décisions à prendre Les bons conseils d'amis qui n'ont pas été écoutés Pour...
A doorway lyrics
When you gave your love to me, I never gave you chains. If you need to prove you're free. My love for you remains (you know my love stays) Love is not...
Human lyrics
Come on, baby, dry your eyes Wipe your tears Never like to see you cry Won't you please forgive me ? I wouldn't ever try to hurt you I just needed som...
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