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Michael Bolton also performed lyrics
Núria Feliu - Potser mai, en cap moment [What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?]
Potser mai, en cap moment, no has pensat En la vida, què vols fer de veritat. Ni tampoc a mi no m'has preguntat Què m'agradaria fer. Si sabessis com v...
Potser mai, en cap moment [What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?] [English translation]
Potser mai, en cap moment, no has pensat En la vida, què vols fer de veritat. Ni tampoc a mi no m'has preguntat Què m'agradaria fer. Si sabessis com v...
Eddie Floyd - Knock on Wood
I don't want to lose this good thing that I've got 'Cause if I do, I would surely, surely loose a lot 'Cause your love is better than any love I know ...
Stevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
Ah-hey! Oh yeah, baby! Like a fool I went and stayed too long Now I'm wondering if your love's still strong Ooh baby, here I am, signed, sealed, deliv...
Go the Distance [Greek translation]
I have often dreamed Of a far-off place Where a great warm welcome Will be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voic...
Go the Distance [Italian translation]
I have often dreamed Of a far-off place Where a great warm welcome Will be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voic...
Go the Distance [Italian translation]
I have often dreamed Of a far-off place Where a great warm welcome Will be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voic...
Go the Distance [Korean translation]
I have often dreamed Of a far-off place Where a great warm welcome Will be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voic...
Go the Distance [Spanish translation]
I have often dreamed Of a far-off place Where a great warm welcome Will be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voic...
Cher - I Found Someone
Don't you know So many things they come and go? Like your words that once rang true Just like the love I thought I found in you And I remember the thu...
I Found Someone [Croatian translation]
Zar ne znaš toliko stvari dolazi i odlazi kao i tvoje riječi koje su nekad zvučale iskreno kao i ljubav koju sam mislila da sam našla u tebi I sjećam ...
I Found Someone [Romanian translation]
Nu ţi-ai dat seama, o grămadă de multe lucruri vin și pleacă? Ca și cuvintele tale, care odinioară erau adevărate Ca și dragostea pe care, credeam că ...
I Found Someone [Serbian translation]
Зар не знаш Да толико ствари дође и прође? Као што су једном твоје речи одзвониле истином Баш као и љубав коју сам мислила да сам нашла уз тебе Сећам ...
I Found Someone [Spanish translation]
¿No sabes Que tantas cosas que van y vienen? Como tus palabras que una vez sonaron verdaderas Igual que el amor que creí encontrar en ti Y recuerdo el...
I Found Someone [Turkish translation]
Biliyor musun Birçok şeyin gelip geçtiğini? Bir zamanlar kulağa gerçek gelen sözlerin gibi Tıpkı sende bulduğumu düşündüğüm aşk gibi Ve gök gürültüsün...
Lean on Me
Sometimes in our lives We all have pain, we all have sorrow But if we are wise We know that there's always tomorrow Lean on me, when you're not strong...
Human Nature - Reach Out, I'll Be There
Now if you feel that you can't go on (can't go on) Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone) And your life is filled with much confusio...
Reach Out, I'll Be There [Persian translation]
Now if you feel that you can't go on (can't go on) Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone) And your life is filled with much confusio...
Michael McDonald - Reach Out, I'll Be There
Now if you feel that you can't go on (can't go on) Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone) And your life is filled with much confusio...
Reach Out, I'll Be There [Persian translation]
Now if you feel that you can't go on (can't go on) Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone) And your life is filled with much confusio...
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