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Vienna Teng lyrics
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Portuguese translation]
Criança, não fique com medo A chuva rigorosa esmurra o vidro Como um desconhecido indesejado Não há perigo Estou aqui esta noite Criança Não fique com...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Russian translation]
Малыш, не бойся. Дождь изо всех сил колотит в стекло, как незваный гость. Ничего страшного. Сегодня ночью я здесь. Малыш, не бойся. Пусть грохочет гро...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Serbian translation]
Dete malo, ne boj se Kiša jako udara po staklu Poput neželjenog stranca Nema opasnosti Ja sam ovde noćas Dete malo Ne plaši se Iako grmljavina eksplod...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Slovak translation]
Dieťatko, neboj sa. Kvapky dažďa síce bubnujú o sklo Ako nechcený návštevník, Ale žiadne nebezpečenstvo ti nehrozí. Ja som tu dnes večer s tebou. Dieť...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Slovenian translation]
Otrok mali, ne boj se Dež močno udarja po steklu Kot nezaželjeni neznanec Ni nevarnosti Nocoj sem tu Otrok mali Ne boj se Čeprav poka grom In blisk st...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Spanish translation]
Chiquitín, no tengas miedo, la lluvia golpetea fuerte en el cristal como un extraño inesperado, no hay peligro, estoy aquí esta noche. Chiquitín, no t...
Lullaby for a Stormy Night [Turkish translation]
Küçük çocuk, korkma Yağmur, cama sert bir şekilde çarpıyor İstenmeyen bir yabancı gibi Tehlike yok Bu gece buradayım Küçük çocuk Korkma Gök gürültüsün...
My Medea lyrics
Inside the labyrinth walls There lies a tiny child who sleeps alone And as the daylight falls The wind becomes so wild across the stone For I have mad...
My Medea [French translation]
Dans les murs du labyrinthe Se trouve une petite fille qui dort seule Et alors que la lumière du jour tombe Le vent devient si violent contre la pierr...
My Medea [Portuguese translation]
Dentre os muros do labirinto Jaz uma pequena criança que dorme sozinha E quando cai a luz do dia O vento sopra tão selvagem sobre as pedras Pois eu fi...
Never Look Away lyrics
Detect my sudden existence on your sonar You feel the echo Electrify the resistance in your broken heart And burn it up, oh We’re gonna photosynthesiz...
Recessional lyrics
"It's so beautiful here," she says, "This moment now. This moment, now." And I never thought I would find her here: Flannel and satin, my four walls t...
Recessional [Estonian translation]
"Nii ilus on siin," ütleb ta, "Praegu. Just praegu nüüd." Ja ma ei arvanud iialgi, et leian ta siit: Flanell ja satään, mu neli seina said uueks. Aga ...
Recessional [French translation]
"C'est si beau ici," dit-elle, "Ce moment précis. Ce moment, là." Et je n'aurais jamais pensé que je la trouverais ici: Flanelle et satin, mes quatre ...
Recessional [Italian translation]
"E' così bello qui", dice lei, "Proprio questo momento. Questo momento, adesso". E non avrei mai pensato di trovarla qui: Flanella e raso, le mie quat...
Stray Italian Greyhound lyrics
Oh, no not now, please not now I've just settled into the glass half empty made myself at home And so why now? Oh, please not now I just stopped belie...
The Atheist Christmas Carol lyrics
It's the season of grace coming out of the void Where man is saved by a voice in the distance It's the season of possible miracle cures Where hope is ...
The Atheist Christmas Carol [French translation]
C’est la saison des grâces qui surgissent du vide, Où l’homme est sauvé par une voix lointaine, C’est la saison des possibles soins miraculeux, Où l’e...
The Atheist Christmas Carol [Italian translation]
E' la stagione della grazia che sorge dal vuoto Dove l'uomo è salvato da una voce in lontananza E' la stagione delle possibili cure miracolose Dove la...
The Atheist Christmas Carol [Spanish translation]
Es el tiempo de la gracia que surge de la nada, donde el hombre se salva por una voz en la distancia. Es el tiempo de posibles curas milagrosas, donde...
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