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Legião Urbana lyrics
Há Tempos [English translation]
Looks like cocaine but it's just sadness, maybe your city. Many fears are born from fatigue and loneliness And imbalance and squandering are heirs Now...
Há Tempos [English translation]
It may seem like cocaine, but it's just sadness, possibly your city. Many fears are born from weariness and loneliness And the imbalance and the squan...
Há Tempos [English translation]
Feels like cocaine but it's only sadness, perhaps your town. Many fear come from tiredness and loneliness And mismatch and waste, heirs are now of the...
Há Tempos [English translation]
It looks like cocaine but it's just sadness, maybe your city. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness And the gap and the waste, heirs are Now o...
Há Tempos [German translation]
Es scheint wie Kokain, aber es ist nur Traurigkeit, vielleicht deine Stadt. Viele Ängste entstehen aus Müdigkeit und Einsamkeit und Zwietracht und Ver...
Há Tempos [Romanian translation]
Pare cocaină dar e doar tristețe, poate orașul tau. Multe temeri se nasc din oboseală și singurătate Și nepotriviri și risipă, acum sunt moștenitorii ...
Há Tempos [Russian translation]
Похоже на кокаин, но это просто грусть, может твой город. Многие страхи рождаются от усталости и одиночества И несоответствие и отходы - наследники Те...
Há Tempos [Spanish translation]
Se ve como la cocaína pero és solamente la tristeza, quizás tu ciudad. Varios miedos nacen de la fatiga y de la soledad Y el desajuste y el desperdici...
Hoje a noite não tem luar lyrics
Ela passou do meu lado "Oi, amor." - eu lhe falei "Você está tão sozinha." Ela então sorriu pra mim Foi assim que a conheci Naquele dia junto ao mar A...
Hoje a noite não tem luar [English translation]
She passed by me "Hi, love" -I said to her "You are so lonely." Then she smiled at me That's how I met her That day near the sea The waves came to kis...
Hoje a noite não tem luar [French translation]
Elle est passée à côté de moi "Hé, mon amour" - lui ai-je dit "Tu es si seule." Et elle m'a souri C'est ainsi que je l'ai connue Ce jour-là, au bord d...
Índios lyrics
Quem me dera, ao menos uma vez, Ter de volta todo o ouro que entreguei a quem conseguiu me convencer Que era prova de amizade Se alguém levasse embora...
Índios [English translation]
I wish, that at least once I’d have back all the gold I gave to whom Got to convince me It was a friendship prove If someone took away even what I did...
Índios [English translation]
I wish, for once at least, To have back all the gold that I gave to those Who managed to convince me That it was a token of friendship If someone took...
Índios [English translation]
I wish, that at least once I’d have back all the gold I gave to whom Succeeded at convincing me That our friendship would be proved If someone took aw...
Índios [English translation]
I wish, once at least, To have back all the gold that I gave to those who managed to convince me that it was a token of friendship if someone were to ...
Índios [French translation]
Si seulement je pouvais, au moins une fois, Récupérer tout l'or que j'ai livré à celui Qui a réussi à me convaincre Que c'était une preuve d'amitié Si...
Índios [German translation]
Ich wünschte, wenigstens einmal, Das ganze Gold zurück zu haben das ich übergab an den Dem es gelang mich zu überzeugen Daß es ein Freundschaftsbeweis...
Índios [Spanish translation]
Lo deseo por una vez, Recuperar todo el oro que le he dado a quien Logró convencerme Que era una demostración de amistad Si me quitaran lo que no tení...
L'âge d'or lyrics
Aprendi a esperar, mas não tenho mais certeza Agora que estou bem, tão pouca coisa me interessa Contra minha própria vontade sou teimoso, sincero E in...
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