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Legião Urbana lyrics
A Via Láctea [English translation]
When everything is lost There is always a way When everything is lost There is always a light But don't tell me this Today the sadness Isn't fleeting ...
A Via Láctea [English translation]
When everything is lost There is always a path When everything is lost There is always a light But don't tell me this Today the sadness Is not a passe...
A Via Láctea [French translation]
Lorsque tout est perdu Il y a toujours un chemin Lorsque tout est perdu Il y a toujours une lumière Mais ne me dit pas ça Aujourd'hui la tristesse N'e...
A Via Láctea [Spanish translation]
Cuando todo está perdido Siempre existe un camino Cuando todo está perdido Siempre existe una luz Pero no me digas eso Hoy la tristeza No es pasajera ...
Acrilic on canvas lyrics
É saudade, então E mais uma vez De você fiz o desenho mais perfeito que se fez Os traços copiei do que não aconteceu As cores que escolhi entre as tin...
Acrilic on canvas [English translation]
It's yearning, then And once more Of you I made the most perfect drawing ever made The strokes I copied from what didn't happen The colors that I chos...
Acrilic on canvas [English translation]
It's yearning, then And once more I've made of you the most perfect drawing I had scribbled down the strokes from what didn't happen From the ink I cr...
Acrilic on canvas [English translation]
It’s saudade* then. And once more From you I made the most perfect drawer ever made: The sketches I copied from what didn’t happened The collors I cho...
Acrilic on canvas [French translation]
C'est de la nostalgie, alors Et une fois de plus J'ai fait de toi le dessin le plus parfait qui se fasse J'ai copié les traits de ce qui ne s'est pas ...
Acrilic on canvas [Spanish translation]
Es añoranza, pues Y una vez más De ti hice el dibujo más perfecto que se hizo Copié los trazos de lo que no ocurrió Los colores que elegí entre las ti...
Ainda é cedo lyrics
Uma menina me ensinou Quase tudo que eu sei Era quase escravidão Mas ela me tratava como um rei Ela fazia muitos planos Eu só queria estar ali Sempre ...
Ainda é cedo [English translation]
A girl taught me Almost everything I know It was almost slavery But she treated me like a king She always made a lot of plans I just wanted to be ther...
Ainda é cedo [English translation]
A girl taught me Almost everything I know It was almost like slavery But she treated me like a king She had many plans While I just wanted to be there...
Ainda é cedo [English translation]
A girl taught me almost everything of what I know It was almost slavery But she treated me like a king She was doing many plans I just wanted to be th...
Ainda é cedo [French translation]
Une fille m'a enseigné Presque tout ce que je sais C'était presque de l'esclavage Mais elle me traitait comme un roi Elle faisait beaucoup de plans Je...
Ainda é cedo [German translation]
Ein Mädchen hat mich gelehrt, Fast alles was ich weiß Es war fast wie Sklavenhaltung Aber sie behandelte mich wie einen König Sie machte viele Pläne I...
Ainda é cedo [Italian translation]
Una ragazza mi insegnò Quasi tutto che io so era quasi schiavitù Ma lei mi trattava come un re Lei aveva troppi progetti io volevo rimanere lì Sempre ...
Ainda é cedo [Polish translation]
Pewna dziewczyna mnie nauczyła Prawie wszystkiego, co [teraz] wiem Byłem prawie jak niewolnik Choć traktowała mnie jak króla Ona miała mnóstwo planów ...
Ainda é cedo [Spanish translation]
Una chica me enseñó Casi todo lo que sé Era casi una esclavitud Pero me trataba como un rey Hacía muchos planes Yo solo quería quedar allí Siempre a s...
Aloha lyrics
Será que ninguém vê O caos em que vivemos ? Os jovens são tão jovens E fica tudo por isso mesmo A juventude é rica, a juventude é pobre A juventude so...
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