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Legião Urbana lyrics
Perdidos No Espaço [English translation]
I wrote to you and you didn't answer I also didn't respond when you wrote to me I took note of your phone in a piece of paper And calculated your asce...
Perdidos No Espaço [English translation]
I wrote to you and you didn't answer I also didn't respond when you wrote to me I wrote down your phone in a piece of paper And calculated your ascend...
Perfeição lyrics
Vamos celebrar A estupidez humana A estupidez de todas as nações O meu país e sua corja De assassinos Covardes, estupradores E ladrões... Vamos celebr...
Perfeição [English translation]
Let's celebrate The human stupidity The stupidity of all nations My country and its coterie Of killers Cowards, rapists And thieves... Let's celebrate...
Perfeição [English translation]
Let's celebrate The human stupidity The stupidity of all nations My country and its coterie Of assassins Cowards, rapists And thieves Let's celebrate ...
Perfeição [English translation]
Let's celebrate Human stupidity The stupidity of all nations My country and its gang Of killers Cowards, rapists And thieves Let's celebrate The stupi...
Perfeição [English translation]
Let’s celebrate human stupidity The stupidity of all nations my country and its coterie of killers, cowards, rapists and thieves… Let’s celebrate the ...
Perfeição [French translation]
Allons célébrer La bêtise humaine La bêtise de toutes les nations Mon pays et sa bande D'assassins Lâches, violeurs Et voleurs... Allons célébrer La b...
Perfeição [German translation]
Feiern wir Die Dummheit der Menschen, Die Dummheit aller Nationen. Mein Land und sein Gesindel Aus Mördern, Feiglingen, Vergewaltigern Und Dieben. Fei...
Perfeição [Italian translation]
Celebriamo La stupidità umana La stupidità di tutte le nazioni Il mio paese e la sua banda Di assassini Codardi, stupratori e ladri... Celebriamo La s...
Petróleo Do Futuro lyrics
Ah, se eu soubesse lhe dizer o que eu sonhei ontem à noite Você ia querer me dizer tudo sobre o seu sonho também E o que é que eu tenho a ver com isso...
Petróleo Do Futuro [English translation]
Ah, if I knew how to tell you what I dreamed last night You would want to tell me everything about your dream too And what do I have to do with it? Ah...
Petróleo Do Futuro [English translation]
Ah, if I told you what I dreamed of last night You would wanna tell me everything about your dream too And, what do I have to do with it? Ah, if I tol...
Plantas embaixo do aquário lyrics
Aceite o desafio e provoque o desempate Desarme a armadilha e desmonte o disfarce Se afaste do abismo Faça do bom-senso a nova ordem Não deixe a guerr...
Plantas embaixo do aquário [English translation]
Accept the challenge and cause the tiebreaker Disarm the trap and dismantle the disguise Stay away from the abyss Turn common sense into the new order...
Plantas embaixo do aquário [English translation]
Accept the challenge and provoke the tiebreaker Disarm the trap and take away the disguise Stay away from the abyss Turn good sense into the new order...
Plantas embaixo do aquário [German translation]
Nimm die Herausforderung an und provoziere den Tiebreaker Entwaffnen Sie die Falle und nehmen Sie die Tarnung weg Bleib weg vom Abgrund Verwandeln Sie...
Plantas embaixo do aquário [Spanish translation]
Acepte el reto y cause el desempate Desactive la trampa y desmantele el disfraz Aléjate del precipicio Hagas de la cordura la nueva orden No dejes que...
Por Enquanto lyrics
Mudaram as estações E nada mudou Mas, eu sei que alguma coisa aconteceu Está tudo assim tão diferente Se lembra quando a gente Chegou um dia a acredit...
Por Enquanto [English translation]
The seasons changed And nothing else did But I know that something happened Everything feels so different Do you remember that one day We used to beli...
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