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Legião Urbana lyrics
O teatro dos vampiros [English translation]
I always need some attention I guess I don't know who I am I only know what I dislike And from these weird days The dust remain hiding around This is ...
Os anjos lyrics
Hoje não dá Hoje não dá Não sei mais o que dizer E nem o que pensar Hoje não dá Hoje não dá A maldade humana agora não tem nome Hoje não dá Pegue duas...
Os anjos [English translation]
Today I can’t Today I can’t I don’t know what else to say Or whatto think Today I can’t Today I can’t Human evilness now has no name Today I can’t Tak...
Os anjos [English translation]
Today there's no way Today there's no way I don’t even know what else to say or think Today there's no way Today there's no way Human evil has no name...
Os anjos [French translation]
Aujourd'hui, ça ne va pas Aujourd'hui, ça ne va pas Je ne sais plus quoi dire Ni quoi penser Aujourd'hui, ça ne va pas Aujourd'hui, ça ne va pas La mé...
Os Barcos lyrics
Você diz que tudo terminou Você não quer mais o meu querer Estamos medindo forças desiguais Qualquer um pode ver Que só terminou pra você... São só pa...
Os Barcos [English translation]
You say that it's all over You no longer want my love We are measuring unequal forces Anyone can see That it's only over for you... It's only words, t...
Os Barcos [English translation]
You say that it's all over That you no longer want my love We are measuring unequal forces Anyone can see That it's over only for you... It's only wor...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
Statues and safes And painted walls No one knows what happened She threw herself from the fifth story window Nothing's easy to understand Sleep now, I...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
Statues and safes and painted walls No one knows what happened She threw herself from the fifth story window Nothing's easy to understand Sleep now, I...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
Statues and safes And painted walls Nobody knows What happened... She jumped out of the window From the fifth floor Nothing is easy to understand... S...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
Statues and safes And painted walls Nobody knows What happened... She jumped out the window From the fifth floor Nothing is easy to understand Sleep n...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
Statues and safes And painted walls Nobody knows What happened She jumped out the window From the fifth floor. To understand this is not easy You can ...
Pais e Filhos [English translation]
statues and safes and painted walls no-one knows what happened... she *played in the (jumped from the?) window of the fifth floor nothing is easy to u...
Pais e Filhos [French translation]
Des statues et des coffre-forts Et des murs peints Personne ne sait Ce qu'il arrivé Elle s'est jetée par la fenêtre du 5ème étage C'est pas facile à c...
Pais e Filhos [German translation]
Statuen und Geldschränke Und gestrichene Wände. Niemand weiß, Was passiert ist... Sie ist aus dem Fenster Im fünften Stock gesprungen. Nichts ist einf...
Pais e Filhos [German translation]
Statuen und Geldschränke und gestrichene Wände. Niemand weißt, was es passiert ist. Sie ist aus dem Fenster der fünften Etage gesprungen. Nichts ist e...
Pais e Filhos [Italian translation]
Statue e casseforti E pareti dipinte Nessuno sa Cosa sia successo Lei si è buttata dalla finestra Del quinto piano Nulla è facile da capire... Dormi a...
Pais e Filhos [Spanish translation]
Estatuas y cajas de seguridad Y paredes pintadas Nadie sabe lo que pasó Ella se arrojó desde la ventana Del quinto piso Nada es sencillo de entender D...
Perdidos No Espaço lyrics
Escrevi pra você e você não repondeu Também não respondi quando você me escreveu Anotei seu telefone num pedaço de papel E calculei seu ascendente no ...
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