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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (OST) lyrics
[My Little Pony] پونی کوچولو [Poni koochooloo] lyrics
پونی کوچولو اسب کوچولو دوست کوچولو اسب کوچولو کی می‌دونه آخرش چی می‌شه؟ اسب کوچولو پونی ویل باز رفیق کی می‌شه؟ پُر شادی، پُر خنده می‌شه چند تا سیب بدی...
A True True Friend lyrics
A true, true friend helps a friend in need A friend will be there to help them see A true, true friend helps a friend in need To see the light that sh...
A True True Friend [French translation]
A true, true friend helps a friend in need A friend will be there to help them see A true, true friend helps a friend in need To see the light that sh...
A True True Friend [Russian translation]
A true, true friend helps a friend in need A friend will be there to help them see A true, true friend helps a friend in need To see the light that sh...
A True True Friend [Turkish translation]
A true, true friend helps a friend in need A friend will be there to help them see A true, true friend helps a friend in need To see the light that sh...
A True True Friend [Indonesian] lyrics
– Berhasil! Berhasil! Oh, aku sangat bahagia kau kembali seperti semula. Sekarang kami butuh bantuanmu. Teman sejati saling membantu Selalu ada kapan ...
A True True Friend [Polish] lyrics
Twilight Sparkle: (Speaking) Udało się! Udało się! Tak się cieszę, że jesteś sobą. Musisz nam pomóc. Przyjaciel twój rękę poda ci Pomoże gdy miewasz g...
At the Gala lyrics
Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night E...
At the Gala [Finnish translation]
Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night E...
At the Gala [Russian translation]
Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night E...
Babs Seed lyrics
Luultiin että Babs ois tosi mukava Hän ystävä ois, jonka kanssa hengailla Vaan sitten paljastuikin, hän on pelkkä kiusaaja Niin muuttui Babs, hän onki...
Bats lyrics
Those vampire bats will give you a fright Eating apples both day and night They rest for a minute, maybe three Then they're eatin' every apple in your...
Bats [Finnish translation]
Nuo verivampyyyrit aikovat sinut kauhistuttaa Syöden omenoita päivin ja öin Ne lepäävät minuutin - Ehkä kolmen Sitten ne syövät jokaisen omenan sinun ...
Bats [Russian translation]
Летучие Мыши наводят лишь страх, И днём, и ночью плоды едят! Отдохнут лишь минуту, может три, А потом всё съедают сад опустошив! И они не о чём не заб...
Bats [Hungarian] lyrics
Ha jön a vámpír denevér raj Fogy az alma és ez nagy baj Csak hunynak egy percet vagy hármat Aztán megeszik az összes fini almádat Nincs más vágyuk csa...
Bats [Turkish] lyrics
O vampir yarasalar kötüdür Bütün elmaları götürür Bir an bile durmazlar Elmaları silip süpürür Hiçbir şeyi takmazlar Kimseden korkmazlar Tek bildikler...
Better Way To Be Bad lyrics
I think I know a way that we can grow Time to try something new, something better No more solo, trust is the way to go And all we need to do is work t...
Cutie Mark Crusaders Song lyrics
[Scootaloo] Look, here, are three little ponies, Ready to sing for this crowd, Listen up, 'cause here's our story I'm gonna sing it [Cutie Mark Crusad...
Dobrodošli ste [Welcome to the show] lyrics
Dobrodošli ste, sad naučite Naše vreme dolazi, vaše prolazi (Kako ćemo se čuti od njih čak odavde?) Zvuk taj oseti, kako ruši sve Ti bi da pobegneš, ž...
Dobrodošli ste [Welcome to the show] [Transliteration]
Dobrodošli ste, sad naučite Naše vreme dolazi, vaše prolazi (Kako ćemo se čuti od njih čak odavde?) Zvuk taj oseti, kako ruši sve Ti bi da pobegneš, ž...
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