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George Benson also performed lyrics
Núria Feliu - Penso en tu [E penso a te]
Quan treballo, penso en tu... Torno a casa i penso en tu. El telèfon està trucant i penso en tu. Com et trobes? Sols penso en tu. On ets ara? Sols pen...
Penso en tu [E penso a te] [English translation]
Quan treballo, penso en tu... Torno a casa i penso en tu. El telèfon està trucant i penso en tu. Com et trobes? Sols penso en tu. On ets ara? Sols pen...
Penso en tu [E penso a te] [Polish translation]
Quan treballo, penso en tu... Torno a casa i penso en tu. El telèfon està trucant i penso en tu. Com et trobes? Sols penso en tu. On ets ara? Sols pen...
Penso en tu [E penso a te] [Romanian translation]
Quan treballo, penso en tu... Torno a casa i penso en tu. El telèfon està trucant i penso en tu. Com et trobes? Sols penso en tu. On ets ara? Sols pen...
Penso en tu [E penso a te] [Spanish translation]
Quan treballo, penso en tu... Torno a casa i penso en tu. El telèfon està trucant i penso en tu. Com et trobes? Sols penso en tu. On ets ara? Sols pen...
People Get Ready lyrics
People get ready There's a train a-coming You don't need no baggage You just get on board All you need is faith To hear the diesels humming Don't need...
People Get Ready [German translation]
Leute, macht euch bereit Da kommt ein Zug Ihr braucht kein Gepäck Ihr steigt einfach ein Alles was ihr braucht, ist der Glaube Die Dieselmotoren brumm...
Mina - This masquerade
Are we really happy with This lonely game we play Looking for the right words to say Searching but not finding Understanding anyway We're lost in this...
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You [Persian translation]
اگر ناچار شدم كه بدون تو در كنارم ، زندگی کنم روزهايم همه پوچ خواهند بود شبها بسيار طولاني بنظر ميرسند باتو من تا همیشه بودنرا به روشنی ميبينم شايد قب...
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You [Turkish translation]
Eğer hayatımı sen yanımda olmadan yaşamak zorunda olsaydım Günler bomboş olurdu Geceler çok uzun görünürdü Seninleyken sonsuzluğu çok net görebiliyoru...
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You [Vietnamese translation]
Nếu anh phải sống mà không có em cạnh bên anh Thì cả ngày sẽ trở nên trống trải Đêm dường như sẽ rất dài Với em anh cảm nhận được sự vĩnh cửu một cách...
The Shadow of Your Smile
The shadow of your smile, When you have gone, Will color all my dreams And light the dawn. Look into my eyes, my love, and see All the lovely things y...
The Shadow of Your Smile [French translation]
L'ombre de ton sourire, Lorsque tu seras partie, Colorera tous mes rêves, Et illuminera l'aube Regarde-moi dans les yeux, mon amour, et tu verras Tout...
This Masquerade lyrics
Are we really happy with this lonely game we play Looking for words to say Searching but not finding understanding anyway We're lost in this masquerad...
This Masquerade [Italian translation]
Siamo davvero felici qui,con questo solitario gioco a cui giochiamo Cercando le parole da dire Cercando ma non trovando,comunque capendo Che siamo per...
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