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Fugazi lyrics
Waiting Room
I am a patient boy I wait, I wait, I wait, I wait My time is water down a drain Everybody's moving Everybody's moving Everything is moving, Moving, mo...
Waiting Room [Chinese translation]
我是個有耐性的男孩 我會等、我會等、我會等、我會等 我的時間就像流水般流進渠裡 每個人都往前進了 每個人都往前進了 每個人都往前進了 前進了、前進了、前進了 請不要把我一個人留下 在等候室裡 我不想聽到新的消息 (我不能用上它) 我不想聽到新的消息 (我不能靠它過活) 在小鎮外坐著 人人都總是低著頭...
Waiting Room [German translation]
Ich bin ein geduldiger Junge Ich warte, ich warte, ich warte, ich warte Meine Zeit ist Wasser, das den Abfluß runterläuft Jeder ist in Bewegung Jeder ...
Waiting Room [Italian translation]
Sono un ragazzo paziente Aspetto, aspetto, aspetto, aspetto Il mio tempo è acqua in uno scarico Tutti si stanno muovendo Tutti si stanno muovendo Tutt...
Waiting Room [Russian translation]
Я терпеливый парень. Я жду, я жду, я жду, я жду. Мое время утекает, как вода. Все движутся, Все движутся, Всё движется, Движется, движется, движется П...
Waiting Room [Turkish translation]
Ben hasta bir çocuğum Bekliyorum, bekliyorum bekliyorum, bekliyorum Zamanım bir su drejanı Herkes hareket ediyor Herkes hareket ediyor Her şey hareket...
Bad Mouth lyrics
You can't be what you were So you better start being Just what you are You can't be what you were The time is now It's running out It's running out It...
Bad Mouth [German translation]
Du kannst nicht das sein, was du warst Also fang besser an, Genau das zu sein, was du bist Du kannst nicht das sein, was du warst Jetzt ist die Zeit S...
Bad Mouth [Turkish translation]
Olduğun şey olamazsın Yani neysen o olmaya Başlasan daha iyi olur Yani neysen o olmaya Şimdi zamanı Akıp gidiyor Akıp gidiyor Akıp gidiyor,akıp gidiyo...
Bulldog Front lyrics
Ahistorical You think this shit just dropped right out of the sky My analysis: It's time to harvest the crust from your eyes To surge and refine To ra...
Bulldog Front [German translation]
Ahistorisch Du denkst, dass diese Scheiße einfach so vom Himmel gefallen sei Meine Analyse: Es wird Zeit, dass du dir den Sand aus den Augen pflückst ...
Burning lyrics
There's something acting on this body Something goes in when nothing comes out And someone's acting on this information But nothing's registered from ...
Burning [German translation]
Etwas wirkt auf diesen Körper ein Etwas geht hinein, doch nichts kommt heraus Und jemand geht nach dieser Information vor Doch nichts wurde an diesem ...
Foreman's Dog lyrics
Here's an all new version Teeming with distractions Trojan horse rolled backwards Mastered by your own device Then spliced Then cut in The sad and sor...
Give Me the Cure lyrics
I never thought too hard on dying before I never sucked on the dying I never licked the side of dying before And now I'm feeling the dying You've got ...
Give Me the Cure [German translation]
Ich habe noch nie besonders viel über das Sterben nachgedacht Ich habe nie am Sterben gelutscht Ich habe noch nie die Seite des Sterbens abgeleckt Und...
Greed lyrics
You want, you want, you want You wanted everything You needed everything You wanted everything You needed everything You wanted everything You needed ...
Greed [Turkish translation]
Sen istiyorsun,sen istiyorsun,sen istiyorsun Sen her şeyi istedin Her şeye ihtiyacın vardı Sen her şeyi istedin Her şeye ihtiyacın vardı Sen her şeyi ...
I'm So Tired lyrics
Out here, barely seeing my breath Surrounded by jealousy and death I can't be reached, only have one call Dragged underneath, separate from you all Yo...
I'm So Tired [Chinese translation]
在這裡,只勉強能感覺到自己的呼吸 被妒忌和死亡包圍 我不能被觸及,又只有一次的呼喚 被拖到底下來,與你們分離著 你們 這一次,失去了我的回報 儘管已經有了,自己學會了的一切 我隱藏自己的蹤跡,把我的這一口氣全吐出 滑進縫隙裡,對我的關懷都被剝去 我的關懷 我真的很累,就連綿羊都在數我 再也沒有鬥爭,...
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