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Yeah Yeah Yeahs lyrics
Runaway [French translation]
Je me sentais triste Impossible de m'empêcher de regarder en arrière Les autoroutes s'écoulaient Couru, couru, couru au loin Le temps n'avait pas de s...
Runaway [Portuguese translation]
Eu estava triste Não pude evitar não olhar para trás As estradas voavam Correndo, correndo, correndo para longe Sem sentido de tempo Quero que você fi...
Runaway [Russian translation]
Мне было грустно, Не могу перестать оглядываться назад, Мимо меня проносились магистрали. Убежать, убежать, убежать прочь, Потеряв чувство времени, Хо...
Sacrilege lyrics
Fallen for a guy, fell down from the sky Halo round his head Feathers in a bed In our bed, in our bed Fallen for a guy, fell down from the sky Halo ro...
Sacrilege [German translation]
Mich in einen Mann verliebt, der vom Himmel fiel Ein Heiligenschein um seinen Kopf Federn in unserem Bett In unserem Bett, in unserem Bett Mich in ein...
Sacrilege [Greek translation]
Πατώντας την με έναν άντρα, έπεσε από τον ουρανό Φωτοστέφανο γύρω από το κεφάλι του Φτερά σε ένα κρεβάτι Στο κρεβάτι μας, στο κρεβάτι μας Πατώντας την...
Sacrilege [Portuguese translation]
Apaixonada por um rapaz, caí do céu Auréola em volta da cabeça dele Penas na minha cama Na nossa cama, na nossa cama Apaixonada por um rapaz, caí do c...
Sacrilege [Russian translation]
Я влюбилась в парня, свалившегося с неба. Нимб вокруг его головы, Перья в нашей постели. В нашей постели, в нашей постели. Я влюбилась в парня, свалив...
Slave lyrics
It eats your soul, like tears you fall, my slave You steal, you heed the call, my slave The keys, the keys are gone, my slave You keep me beating on I...
Slave [French translation]
Ça dévore ton âme, tu tombes comme une larme, mon esclave - Tu voles, tu entends l'appel, mon esclave Les clés, les clés ont disparu, mon esclave Tu m...
Slave [Portuguese translation]
Ele devora a sua alma, como lágrimas você sucumbe, meu escravo Você rouba, você escutar com atenção o recado, meu escravo As chaves, as chaves sumiram...
Subway lyrics
I lost you on the subway car, Got caught without my metro card. I waited and I waited for the express train, Wanna catch up to you wherever you are. I...
Subway [Portuguese translation]
Eu te perdi no trem do metrô, Fiquei presa sem meu passe do metrô Eu esperei e esperei pelo trem expresso Quero te alcançar onde quer que esteja Eu es...
Turn Into lyrics
I know, what I know, I know On the car ride down I hear it in my head real low Turn into The only thing I ever-- Turn into Hope I do Turn into you I k...
Turn Into [Chinese translation]
我知道我知道的什麼 當我乘汽車來時 我聽到,靜靜地在我的腦海中 成為 我唯一的…… 成為 希望我會 成為你 我知道我知道的什麼,我知道 你找到的女子 會保持那樣的窗戶關閉 她會成為 你唯一的…… 成為 希望我會 成為你 不能說為什麼我不給你知道 那些靜的眼睛真的相配你 放下這件事在我們不要再想起的地...
Warrior lyrics
When it’s missing then you want it more It isn’t right Turning, turning out the door And back to this Leave it like it was before And let me out Must’...
Wedding Song lyrics
With every breath I breathe, I'm making history. With your name on my lips, The ages fall to bits. In flames I sleep soundly. With angels around me. I...
Wedding Song [Portuguese translation]
Com cada ar que respiro Estou fazendo história Com o seu nome sob meus lábios As eras se fazem em pedaços Em chamas eu durmo profundamente Com anjos à...
Y Control lyrics
Oh so all my lovin' go's under the fog fog fog and i will leave them all well i'm just a poor little baby cause well i will leave them all oh so while...
Y Control [French translation]
Oh alors tout mon amour va sous le brouillard, brouillard, brouillard et je vais les quitter tous ben je ne suis qu'un pauvre petit bébé parce que, be...
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