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Etta Jones also performed lyrics
Doris Day - When I Fall in Love
When I fall in love It will be forever Or I'll never fall in love In a restless world like this is Love is ended before it's begun And too many moonli...
When I Fall in Love [German translation]
Wenn ich mich verliebe wird es für immer sein oder ich verliebe mich nie. In einer rastlosen Welt wie dieser hier endet die Liebe oft bevor sie begann...
Don't Go to Strangers
Build your dreams To the stars above But when you need someone true to love Don't go to strangers Lover come to me Play with fire Get your fingers bur...
Don't Go to Strangers [German translation]
Build your dreams To the stars above But when you need someone true to love Don't go to strangers Lover come to me Play with fire Get your fingers bur...
Nat King Cole - I Realize Now
I realize now, I treated you so unkind Can't realize how my heart could have been so blind Blind as I've been, I must give in to this yearnin' The tor...
I Realize Now [Finnish translation]
Nyt tajuan - Niin huonosti kohtelin sinua En voi tajuta kuinka sydämeni olisi voinut olla niin sokea Niin sokeana kun olin - Minun tähän kaipaukseen a...
I Realize Now [French translation]
Je comprends maintenant, je t'ai si mal traitée Je ne comprends pas comment mon cœur a pu être si aveugle Aussi aveugle que j'ai pu être, je dois m'ab...
I Realize Now [Portuguese translation]
Eu percebo agora, o quão rude te tratei Não posso perceber o quão cego meu coração pôde ter sido Cego como eu tenho sido, devo ceder a esse anseio Ess...
I Realize Now [Romanian translation]
Îmi dau seama acum, te-am tratat atât de nepoliticos, Nu pot realiza cum inima mea a putut să fie aşa oarbă, Orb cum am fost, trebuie să renunţ la ace...
I Realize Now [Russian translation]
Я понял теперь, я относился к тебе так жестоко, Не могу понять, как сердце могло быть таким бесчувственным. Каким бы я ни был слепым, я должен был под...
I Realize Now [Spanish translation]
Ahora me doy cuenta de que te traté tan despiadado No puedo creer como mi corazón pudo haber estado tan ciego Lo ciego que he estado, ahora debo ceder...
Nancy Wilson - The Masquerade Is Over
Your eyes don't shine Like they used to shine And the thrill is gone When your lips meet mine I'm afraid The masquerade is over And so is love And so ...
Barbra Streisand - Since I Fell For You
When you just give love And never get love You'd better let love depart I know it's so, and yet I know I can't get you out of my heart You made me lea...
Since I Fell For You [German translation]
Wenn du nur Liebe gibst und keine zurück bekommst, würdest du besser die Liebe ziehen lassen, ich weiß, dass es so ist und doch weiß ich, ich kann dic...
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