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Alanis Morissette lyrics
Diagnosis [Portuguese translation]
Dê o nome que você quiser Porque eu nem me importo mais Me dê o nome que você precisar dar Para que você fique confortável Eu não saio de casa faz um ...
Diagnosis [Spanish translation]
Llámalo como quieras pues ya no me importa. Llámame como necesites hacerlo para que te sientas cómodo. No he dejado la casa en un rato. No he sentido ...
Doth I Protest Too Much lyrics
I'm not threatened by every pair of legs you watch go by I don't cringe when you stare at women, it's just a thing called guy I don't notice your side...
Doth I Protest Too Much [German translation]
Ich bin nicht bedroht von jedem paar Beinen welches du im Vorbeigehen ansiehst Ich erschaudere nicht, wenn du Frauen anglotzt. Es ist nur eine Chose, ...
Doth I Protest Too Much [Portuguese translation]
Não sou ameaçada por cada par de pernas que você vê por aí Eu não me encolho quando você olha para as mulheres, você é simplesmente um cara Não perceb...
Edge of Evolution lyrics
Here I leave my story, I leave it in the dust Although this psychology's been entertaining enough Herein lies the witness objective with my stuff But ...
Edge of Evolution [French translation]
Here I leave my story, I leave it in the dust Although this psychology's been entertaining enough Herein lies the witness objective with my stuff But ...
Edge of Evolution [German translation]
Here I leave my story, I leave it in the dust Although this psychology's been entertaining enough Herein lies the witness objective with my stuff But ...
Edge of Evolution [Portuguese translation]
Here I leave my story, I leave it in the dust Although this psychology's been entertaining enough Herein lies the witness objective with my stuff But ...
Eight Easy Steps lyrics
How to stay paralyzed by fear of abandonment How to defer to men in solve-able predicaments How to control someone to be a carbon copy of you How to h...
Eight Easy Steps [Czech translation]
Jak zůstat paralyzovaný strachem z opuštění Jak se podléhat mužům kvůli problémům, které jste schopní vyřešit Jak někoho ovládat tak, aby byl vaší kop...
Eight Easy Steps [Finnish translation]
Kuinka pysyä hylätyksi tulemisen pelon halvaannuttamana Kuinka myötäillä miehiä ratkaistavissa olevissa ahdingoissa Kuinka hallita jotain niin, että h...
Eight Easy Steps [German translation]
Wie man aus Angst vor dem Verlassenwerden erstarrt Wie man Männern bei lösbaren Dilemmata den Vortritt lässt Wie man jemanden so kontrolliert, dass er...
Eight Easy Steps [Portuguese translation]
Como ficar paralisado devido ao medo de ser abandonado Como permitir que homens tomem as decisões em problemas solucionáveis Como controlar alguém par...
Empathy lyrics
There are so many parts that I have hidden and denied and lost There are so many ways that I have cut off my nose to spite my face There are so many c...
Empathy [Finnish translation]
On niin paljon osia jotka olen piilottanut, kiistänyt ja menettänyt On niin paljon tapoja joilla olen leikannut pois nenäni inhotakseni naamaani On ni...
Empathy [French translation]
Il y a tant de choses qui ont été cachées, niées et perdues. Il y a tant de manières que j'ai enlevées pour montrer mon visage Il y a tant de couleurs...
Empathy [German translation]
Es gibt so viele Teile welche ich versteckt, bestritten und verschollen glaubte Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten, wie ich mir die Nase abschneide, nur u...
Empathy [German translation]
Es gibt so viele Teile, die ich versteckt und dementiert und verloren habe. Es gibt so viele Wege, mit denen ich mir ins eigene Fleisch geschnitten ha...
Empathy [Portuguese translation]
Algumas partes de mim eu escondi e reneguei e perdi Em alguns caminhos eu me feri por me querer mal Existem tantas cores que tento ocultar enquanto as...
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