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An Danzza lyrics
Down by the Salley Gardens
It was down by the Salley Gardens (???) My love and I did meet She crossed the Salley Gardens With little snow-white feet She bid me take love easy As...
Beltane lyrics
The campfires light up The flowery hills in the horizon Heat, sweat and laughs under the smoke Odd chants and dances resound around Then our eyes meet...
Beltane [Turkish translation]
Kamp ateşleri yanıyor Ufuktaki çiçekli tepeler Dumanın altında ısı, ter ve gülme Garip ilahiler ve danslar etrafta yankılanıyor Sonra gözlerimiz buluş...
El Sol y la Luna lyrics
Gotas de lluvia, recuerdos de ayer Cartas que nunca pondrán rumbo a él ella ha vuelto a nacer en una jaula de huesos y piel Sigue soñando Sigue su est...
El Sol y la Luna [English translation]
Raindrops, yesterday's memories Letters that will never be sent to him She has been reborn Inside a cage of skin and bones She keeps dreaming She foll...
El Sol y la Luna [German translation]
Regentropfen, Erinnerungen von Gestern Briefe die ihm niemals geschickt werden Sie wurde wiedergeboren in einem Käfig aus Haut und Knochen Sie träumt ...
Hekate lyrics
Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate On Dark Moon Night The owl takes flight Crossroads are best To begin your quest ...
Hekate [German translation]
Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate In der dunklen Mondnacht Ergreift die Eule die Flucht Kreuzungen sind am besten ...
Hekate [Turkish translation]
Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Hekate Karanlık ay ışığında Baykuş firar eder Dönüm noktaları en iyisidir Araştırmaya b...
The Jester lyrics
Mixed in the crowd, he'll ask you for some crumbs The jester The aftermath of the past On his back Between sobs and laughter His soul wants to scream ...
To My Fairy Fancies lyrics
NAY, no longer I may hold you In my spirit's soft caresses Nor like lotus-leaves enfold you In the tangles of my tresses Fairy fancies, fly away... Fa...
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