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Lindsay Lohan lyrics
Drama Queen [That Girl] [Finnish translation]
Oli tyttö jonka tiesin joka aina halusi olla se joka erottui joukosta Aina uskoi että hän aikoisi elää unelmaansa Se oli mitä tapahtui - Oli takaisin ...
Drama Queen [That Girl] [Greek translation]
Ήξερα ένα κορίτσι που πάντα ήθελε να ξεχωρίζει από το πλήθος Πάντα πίστευε ότι θα ζούσε τα όνειρα της Πως ότι κατέβαινε θα ανέβαινε Για όλους αυτούς π...
Edge Of Seventeen lyrics
Just like the white winged dove sings a song sounds like she's singin' Whoo-whoo-whoo Just like the white winged dove sings a song sounds like she's s...
Fastlane lyrics
It's lonely sometimes in the fastlane People come and go like rain And I look around for a hand to hold But there's no one here today Everyone has gon...
First lyrics
[Verse 1] Is that someone you used to date? Why's she hanging around here, what's her story? Doesn't she know that it's too late? That the party is ov...
Frankie & Johnny lyrics
Frankie and Johnny were sweethearts But he was doin' her wrong He was doin' her wrong in a bad way But she was good and strong He was her man, but he ...
I Live for the Day lyrics
I've got time to watch you spin around in circles Falling through the cracks inside your mind That's fine I've been through the darkest hour made it t...
I Wanna Be Bad lyrics
I wanna be bad (bad) I wanna be bad (bad) Boom! I wanna be bad I wanna be bad, I wanna be bad, so bad I got all, all these stars, running through my h...
I Want You To Want Me lyrics
I want you to want me I need you to need me I'd love you to love me I'm begging you to beg me I want you to want me I need you to need me I'd love you...
If It's Alright lyrics
I should've known the day we met The way you turned and waved at me I never will forget Two years later couldn't guessed That we would make it this fa...
If You Were Me lyrics
You are the one think that one thing that count on You were my everything And then I found out that we mean nothing from someone on the street And I n...
Magnet lyrics
I don't know whether I should hate it or should like it The way you read through me I'd swear you were a psychic And I tried to not reach for the phon...
Magnet [Spanish translation]
No sé si debería odiarlo o si debería gustarme. Por la forma en que me descifras, juraría que eres un psíquico. E intenté no agarrar el teléfono pero ...
My Innocence lyrics
I was born a fighter I was born on a rainy day I've had my share of pain But you've missed most of that So many other things you had to do You looked ...
Nobody Till You lyrics
I never walked on water never saw A reason to be going out that far I never found a star that made a wish But now the sky is listening to my hart It c...
Nobody Till You [Spanish translation]
Nunca caminé sobre el agua, nunca vi una razón para ir tan lejos. Nunca encontré una estrella que concediera un deseo pero ahora el cielo está escucha...
Over lyrics
I watched the walls around me crumble But its not like I won't build them up again So here's your last chance for redemption So take it while it lasts...
Over [Greek translation]
Έβλεπα τους τοίχους γύρω μου να γκρεμίζονται, μα δεν είναι πως δεν θα τους φτιάξω ξανά. Εδώ είναι η τελευταία σου ευκαιρία για λύτρωση. Γι αυτό άρπαξε...
Over [Hungarian translation]
Néztem, ahogy a fal körülöttem összeomlik De nem olyan, mintha nem akarnám újra felépíteni. Szóval itt az utolsó esélyes a megváltásra, Szóval vidd, a...
Over [Spanish translation]
Veo las paredes derrumbarse a mi alrededor pero no es como si fuera a reconstruirlas de nuevo. Así que aquí está tu última oportunidad de redención, t...
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