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Pomme lyrics
Grandiose [German translation]
Seit ich kein Recht dazu habe, will ich ein Kind in meinem Bauch. Ich sollte sicherlich manchmal Diese Lust verschweigen, so groß und bedrohlich. Seit...
Grandiose [Italian translation]
Da quando non ne ho il diritto, Voglio un bambino in pancia. Sicuramente certe volte mi sarei dovuta stare zitta, Ma il desiderio era grande e minacci...
Grandiose [Spanish translation]
Desde que no tengo el derecho Quiero un nino en mi vientre. Seguramente debería callar a veces Esas ganas tan grandes y amenazantes. Desde que mis ami...
Grandiose [Turkish translation]
Buna hakkım olmamasından beri Karnımda bir çocuk olmasını istiyorum Bazı zamanlarda kesinlikle sessiz kalmalıydım Arzum çok büyük ve tehditkar Arkadaş...
Grandiose [Ukrainian translation]
Відколи не маю права, Я хочу дитину в утробі Інколи мені точно варто було промовчати Це бажання таке велике й загрозливе Відколи друзі брешуть мені, к...
J'suis pas dupe lyrics
Dans l'ombre de tes yeux J'ai trouvé les plus beau mensonges Emmêlés comme des nœuds Et mon cœur, est-ce que t'y songes ? Tu dis que la lune brille en...
J'suis pas dupe [English translation]
In the shadow of your eyes I found the most beautiful lies Tangled like knots And my heart, do you think of it? You say that the moon shines blue And ...
J'suis pas dupe [English translation]
In the shadow of your eyes I've found the most beautiful lies Tangled like knots And my heart, are you thinking about it? You say that the moon shines...
J'suis pas dupe [German translation]
Im Schatten deiner Augen Habe ich die schönsten Lügen gefunden Verworren wie Knoten Und men Herz, denkst du daran? Du sagst, dass der Mond blau leucht...
J'suis pas dupe [Hindi translation]
तुम्हारी आँखों की प्रतिच्छाया से मुझे तुम्हारे सरे झूठ पता चल जाते हैं जिन्हे तुम बखूबी बनाते रहते हो और वे गांठों जैसे उलझे होते हैं और मेरा दिल, क्य...
J'suis pas dupe [Italian translation]
All'ombra dei tuoi occhi Ho trovato le più belle menzogne Aggrovigliate come nodi E il mio cuore, ci pensi? Dici che la luna risplende di blu E che i ...
J'suis pas dupe [Romanian translation]
În umbra ochilor tăi Găsesc cele mai frumoase minciuni, Încâlcite ca niște noduri. Și inima mea, tu te gândești la ea? Tu spui că luna strălucește în ...
J'suis pas dupe [Spanish translation]
En la sombra de tus ojos Encontré las más bellas mentiras Enredadas como nudos Y mi corazón, ¿Lo crees? Dices que la luna brilla de color azul Y que l...
J'suis pas dupe [Swedish translation]
I skuggan av dina ögon Har jag hittat de störstalögnerna Tilltrasslade liksom knutar Och mitt hjärta tänker du på? Du säger att månen lyser blått och ...
J'suis pas dupe [Turkish translation]
Gözlerinin gölgesinde En güzel yalanları buldum Düğümler gibi karışmış Ve benim kalbim, onu düşünüyor musun? Ay'ın mavi parladığını söylüyorsun Ve den...
J'suis pas dupe [Vietnamese translation]
Trong ánh mắt của anh Em tìm thấy những lời nói dối đẹp đẽ nhất Hỗn loạn tựa một mớ bùng nhùng Và trái tim của em, anh đã từng nghĩ đến nó chưa? Anh n...
Jane et John lyrics
Qui pourra dire un jour Si c'était une chance, Pour Jane et John De se croiser en chemin ? Qui pourrait dire de l'amour Quand il est immense Si c'est ...
Jane et John [English translation]
Who could say one day If it was a chance For Jane and John To cross paths Who could talk about love When it is immense If it's the caress Or the blow ...
Jane et John [English translation]
who can tell someday If that was a chance For Jane and John To meet in the way Who can tell about love When it is huge If it is the caress Or the act ...
Jane et John [German translation]
Wer wird eines Tages sagen können Ob es ein Glück war Für Jane und John Sich zu begegnen auf dem Weg? Wer würde von der Liebe sagen können Wenn sie ri...
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