Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Bulgarian translation]
Ти се появи неочаквано, като от лунен сън,
О, ако знаеше ти, че само ти едничка си ми нужна!
Поройни дъждове изливаха се, минах през нощи безсънни
Но ...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Czech translation]
Zjevila jsi se náhle, jako luna ze snu
Och, jestli víš ty, že musíš být jen má jediná
Lijáky dlouhé prší, byly noci bez snu
Mé chladné srdceozářilas j...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [English translation]
You have suddenly came, as from moon-dream.
Oh, If only you knew, that I need, only you alone!
Pouring rains all alone, were sleepless all nights.
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [English translation]
You've come, unexpected, as if from a moonlit dream,
Oh, if you knew that I need only you!
Endless rains have been pouring and there were sleepless ni...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [German translation]
Du bist unerwartet gekommen, als wäre es wie im Traum bei Mondschein,
Oh, wenn du nur wüsstest, wie sehr ich dich brauche, nur dich!
Es hat endlos ger...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Greek translation]
Φάνηκες ξαφνικά, σαν όνειρο σελήνης,
α, αν το 'ξερες, μου λείπεις μόνο εσύ!
Ασταμάτητα βρέχει, νύχτες χωρίς ύπνο
μα στην κρύα καρδιά φώτισες σαν άνοιξ...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Hungarian translation]
Váratlan tűntél elő holdfényes álomból,
Ó, ha te tudnád, hogy kellesz nekem, egyedül csak te!
Hosszas záporok hulltak, az éjek álmatlanok,
De fagyban ...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Italian translation]
Sei arrivata inaspettatamente, come un sogno al chiaro di luna,
Oh, se solo tu sapessi quanto ti ho desiderata, solo tu soltanto!
Dopo infinite piogge...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Romanian translation]
Ai apărut pe neașteptate, ca dintr-un vis de lună,
Aș vrea să știi că am nevoie doar de tine!
A plouat cu găleată, am avut nopți fără somn,
Dar inima ...
Грешная страсть [Greshnaya strast'] [Spanish translation]
Has aparecido de repente, como de un sueño lunar
Oh, si supieras, que lo único que necesitaba eras tú
La lluvia caía fuerte, las noches eran desvelada...