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Bastille lyrics
The Silence [Italian translation]
Raccontami un pezzo della tua storia che sei orgoglioso di chiamare "tuo" Parla con parole che hai raccolto come se avessi camminato sempre da solo ne...
The Silence [Portuguese translation]
Me conte uma parte da tua história Da qual você sinta orgulho de chamar de sua Fale com palavras escolhidas Como se vocês tivesse caminhado longo da v...
The Silence [Russian translation]
Расскажи мне историю, Которую ты гордишьсяназывать своей, Используй слова, которые ты узнала Пока шла по жизни одна. Раньше мы плавали в твоих рассказ...
The Silence [Spanish translation]
Cuentame un trozo de tu historia Que tú estás orgullosa de llamarla tuya. Habla en palabras que hayas elegido Asi tal como caminaste por la vida sola....
The Waves lyrics
Staring down the barrel of a hundred tonnes It Might be getting older but the night’s still young We Never never give up on a lost boy life So here we...
The Waves [Finnish translation]
Tuijotan alas sadan tonnin tynnyrin päältä Se voi vanheta, mutta ilta on vielä nuori Emme ikinä, ikinä, luovu kadonneen pojan elämästä Joten olemme tä...
The Waves [Italian translation]
Fissare il barile da mille tonnellate Potrebbe non essere più divertente, ma la notte è ancora giovane Non abbiamo mai rinunciato ad una vita da ragaz...
The Waves [Turkish translation]
Yüzlerce tonluk varillere bakıyoruz Yaşlanıyor olabilir fakat geceler hala genç Kayıp bir oğlanın hayatından vazgeçmeyeceğiz İşte dış dünyadan kaçıyor...
Thelma + Louise lyrics
Skipping town, down to Mexico Lipstick on, in the Thunderbird Let’s roll Drive right off of the world Leave your job and your gaslight man Modern life...
Thelma + Louise [Finnish translation]
Ohitamme kaupungin, Meksikoon asti Huulipunaa huulilla, Thunderbirdissä Rullaillaan Aja suoraan yli maailmasta Jätä työsi ja manipuloiva miehesi Moder...
Thelma + Louise [Spanish translation]
Saliendo de la ciudad, hacia México El pintalabios puesto, en el Thunderbird 1 Vámonos Conduce hasta el fin del mundo Deja tu trabajo y tu hombre que ...
Thelma + Louise [Thai translation]
[Verse 1] เดินทางออกจากเมืองนี้โดยไม่ให้ใครรู้ เพื่อไปยังเม็กซิโก ทาลิปสติกสีแดงลงบนริมฝีปากเพื่อให้รู้สึกถึงพลังอันแกร่งกล้า มาเริ่มต้นกับสิ่งใหม่กัน...
These Streets lyrics
These streets are yours, you can keep them I don't want them They pull me back, and I surrender To the memories I run from Oh, we have paved these str...
These Streets [Dutch translation]
Deze straten zijn van jou, je kan ze houden Ik wil ze niet Ze trekken me terug en ik geef me over Aan de herinneringen waar ik weg van loop Oh, we heb...
These Streets [Finnish translation]
Nämä kadut ovat sinun, voit pitää ne En halua niitä Ne vetävät minut takaisin, ja antaudun Muistoille joilta pakenen Oh, olemme päällystäneet nämä kad...
These Streets [German translation]
Diese Straßen gehören dir, du darfst sie behalten Ich will sie nicht Sie ziehen mich (in die Vergangenheit) zurück und ich kapituliere Vor den Erinner...
These Streets [Greek translation]
Αυτοί οι δρόμοι είναι δικοί σου, μπορείς να τους κρατήσεις Δεν τους θέλω Με τραβούν προς τα πίσω και παραδίνομαι Στις αναμνήσεις που αποφεύγω Ω, έχουμ...
These Streets [Hungarian translation]
Ezek az utcák a tieid, megtarthatod őket Én nem akarom őket Visszahúznak és megadom magam Az emlékeknek, amik elől futok Kikövezzük ezeket az utcákat ...
These Streets [Italian translation]
Queste strade sono tue, puoi tenerle, io non le voglio, loro mi tirano indietro e io cedo ai ricordi da cui scappo Oh, abbiamo lastricato queste strad...
These Streets [Portuguese translation]
Estas ruas são tuas, você pode ficar com elas Eu não as quero Elass me puxam de volta, e eu me rendo Para as memórias que das quais eu fujo Oh , nós p...
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