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Kings of Leon lyrics
Pyro lyrics
A single book of matches is gonna burn what's standing in the way Roaring down the mountain they're calling on the fire brigade Carry out the pictures...
Pyro [Croatian translation]
Samo jedna kutija šibica će zapaliti ono što stoji na putu Vrišteći niz planinu zovu vatrogasce Zakopaj sve slike i reci djeci da sam dobro I ako ću b...
Pyro [Greek translation]
Ένα κουτάκι σπίρτα θα κάψει ο, τι μπαίνει εμπόδιο Βρυχώμενοι προς το βουνό καλούν την ταξιαρχία της φωτιάς Κράτα τις φωτογραφίες και πες στα παιδιά πω...
Pyro [Italian translation]
Una singola scatola di fiammiferi brucierà ciò che sta sulla strada Ruggendo in fondo alla montagna chiamano i vigili del fuoco Porta fuori le fotogra...
Pyro [Spanish translation]
Una sola caja de fósforos quemará todo lo que encuentre a su paso; baja por la montaña y ahora llaman a los bomberos. Esconde todas las fotos y dile a...
Pyro [Turkish translation]
Tek bir kibrit kutusu yolda duran şeyi yakacak İtfaiyeyi çağırdıkları dağı gürletirken Resimleri tamamla ve çocuklara iyi olduğumu söyle Eğer unutulmu...
Pyro [Turkish translation]
Bir kutu kibrit yolda duran her şeyi yakacak Dağdan aşağı kükreyerek, şimdi onlar itfaiyeyi arıyor Bütün resimleri göm ve çocuklara iyi olduğumu söyle...
Radioactive lyrics
When the road is carved up, Yonder I hope you see me there It's in the water Its where you came from It's in the water It's where you came from And wh...
Radioactive [Croatian translation]
Kad je cesta isklesana, tamo Nadam se da ćeš me vidjeti tamo To je u vodi To je odakle si došla To je u vodi To je odakle si došla I kad gomila počne ...
Radioactive [Greek translation]
Όταν ο δρόμος είναι διαμελισμένος, απομακρύνσου Ελπίζω να με δεις εκεί Είναι στο νερό Είναι από εκεί που ήρθες Είναι στο νερό Είναι από εκεί που ήρθες...
Radioactive [Italian translation]
Quando la strada è incisa lì sopra Spero che mi vedi lì È nell'acqua È da dove sei venuto È nell'acqua È da dove sei venuto E la folla incomincia a va...
Radioactive [Spanish translation]
Cuando vayas por la ruta y más allá a todo lo que da, espero que allí nos encontremos. Está en el agua, está en lugar de donde provienes. Está en el a...
Radioactive [Turkish translation]
Yol bölündüğü zaman, Oradaki Umarım beni orada görürsün O suyun içinde O geldiğin yerde O suyun içinde O geldiğin yerde Ve kalabalık merak etmeye başl...
Ragoo lyrics
I want to say it's to me to change the world Now I want to play 'til they kicking down the door Now I'll be alright as long as I ain't seen it all Now...
Ragoo [Turkish translation]
Dünyayı değiştirecek benim söylemek istiyorum Şimdi kapıyı kırana kadar oynamak istiyorum Her şeyi görmeden iyi olmayacağım Baloya gittiğimiz geceki g...
Razz lyrics
Just like the girlies back at corner stone Wash my bugle boy a watching my throne Sweet mutilation of a sold to nothing man, Lord have mercy shake is ...
Red Morning Light lyrics
You know you could've been a wonder Takin' your circus to the sky You couldn't take it on the tight rope No you had to take it on the side You always ...
Red Morning Light [Croatian translation]
Znaš da si mogla biti čudo Povesti svoj cirkus do neba Nisi mogla prijeći preko konopa Ne ti si morala ići sa strane Uvijek ti je bilo draže poskriveč...
Rememo lyrics
On a plane, on a plane Off to see the city girls again Only bringing what to carry on, So that you know I won't be long Dripping beard as cold as hell...
Revelry lyrics
What a night for a dance, you know I'm a dancing machine. With a fire in my bones, and the sweet taste of kerosene, I get lost in the light, so high I...
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