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Kings of Leon lyrics
100,000 People lyrics
[Verse 1] Rake at the moon where the river flows Cut from the cloth of the winter's cold Bound by the voice that no one hears I've been around in a wa...
100,000 People [Italian translation]
[Verso 1] Rastrellando il riflesso della luna lì dove scorre il fiume Tagliato dalla tela del freddo invernale Legato da una voce che nessuno sente In...
100,000 People [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Amuchado bajo la luna donde fluye el río, recortado de la ropa del frío invernal, atado por la voz que nadie escucha: "de alguna forma siemp...
17 lyrics
Oh she's only seventeen Whine whine whine, weep over everything Bloody Mary breakfast busting up the street Brothers fighting, when's the baby gonna s...
17 [Croatian translation]
Njoj je tek 17 Cmizdri cmizdri cmizdri, plače zbog svega Doručak Krvave Mary razbija ulicu Braća se tuku, kad će beba ići spavati Brodovi trebaju otpl...
17 [Greek translation]
Οο είναι μόνο δεκαεπτά Γκρινιάζει γκρινιάζει γκρινιάζει, κλαίει συνέχεια Bloody Mary, πρωινό, καυγάδες στους δρόμους Αδέλφια τσακώνονται, όταν το μωρό...
17 [Spanish translation]
Oh ella solo tiene 17 años Lamento tras lamento, llora por todo Desayuna Bloody Mary destrozando la calle Hermanos peleando, ¿Cuándo se va a dormir el...
17 [Turkish translation]
o sadece on yedi neden neden neden, herkes aglamayı kesmiş Kanli mary zerafetiyle kahvaltı yapiyor sokagın üstünde Kardeşler savaşiyor,Bebek uyukuya g...
Arizona lyrics
That taste All I ever needed All I ever wanted Too dumb to surrender She shakes Like the morning railway Checking me out With someone on her shoulder ...
Arizona [Croatian translation]
Sada probavam 1 Sve što sam ikad trebao Sve što sam ikad želio Preglup da se predam Ona se trese Poput jutarnje željezničke pruge Odmjerava me S nekim...
Arizona [French translation]
Ce goût, Tout ce dont j'ai jamais eu besoin, Tout ce que j'ai jamais voulu, Trop stupide pour me rendre Elle tremble Tel le chemin de fer le matin Ell...
Arizona [Greek translation]
Αυτή η γεύση, το μόνο που απαίτησα, το μόνο που επεθυμήσα. Πολύ χαζός να υποταγώ. Αυτή κουνιέται όπως τα πρωινά δρομολόγια του συρμού. Με χαιρετά με κ...
Arizona [Turkish translation]
O tat Hep ihtiyacım olan Hep istediğim Teslim olmak için fazla aptalım Sallanıyor Sabah treni gibi Beni kontrol ediyor Omzunda biriyle Lamba odada tit...
Around the world lyrics
My corner, you'll find me every day The boys come out That's where we like to play "Wanna tag along?" I said "No way." One drop dead high A price you'...
Around the world [Croatian translation]
Moj kut, tu ćeš me naći svaki dan Dečki izlaze Tako volimo igrati "Hoćeš s nama?" kažem "Nema šanse." Jedan se srušio mrtav ustoniran To je cijena koj...
Around the world [Turkish translation]
Benim köşem , sen her gün beni bulacaksın... Erkekler ortaya çıkıyor Oyun oynadığımız yer gibi Peşimize takıldılar , ben yolları hazırlayacağım Ve yük...
Back Down South lyrics
Come on down and dance, If you get the chance, We're gonna spit on the rival. All I wanna know, Is how far you wanna go, Fighting for survival. Undern...
Back Down South [Croatian translation]
Dođi dolje i pleši, Ako dobiješ šansu, Mi ćemo pljunuti na suparništvo. Sve što želim znati, Je koliko daleko želiš ići, Boreći se za opstanak. Ispod ...
Back Down South [Greek translation]
Έλα και χόρεψε, Αν βρεις την ευκαιρία, Θα φτύσουμε τον αντίπαλο. Το μόνο που θέλω να ξέρω, Είναι πόσο μακριά θες να φτάσουμε, Παλεύοντας για την επιβί...
Back Down South [Turkish translation]
Gel buraya ve dans et, Eğer fırsatını bulabilirsen, Rakibin üstüne tüküreceğiz. Tek bilmek istediğim şey, hayatın için savaşırken, Nereye kadar gitmek...
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