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Cleopatra Stratan lyrics
Gaste-gaste lyrics
Toate gastele-ntr-o zi Au fugit de-acasa Care pe la balta Care la terasa De dimneata suparat Nevoie mare Sta gansacul ingamfat Catand raspuns la intre...
Gaste-gaste [English translation]
all the gooses one day ran away from their home some of them (went) to the lake some of them to the terrace in the morning angry (very angry) the gand...
Ghiță lyrics
Hăinuța stă în cui, Afară soare nu-i; Nimic nu-i bun de când Mă gândesc la Ghiță. Dar Ghiță nu-i în sat, Eu m-am interesat, Îmi pare că-i plecat După ...
Ghiță [Czech translation]
Kabát zůstává na svém místě Venku nesvítí slunce Nic není dobře, protože Myslím na Ghitu Ghita ale už není ve městě Už jsem si to ověřila Mám pocit, ž...
Ghiță [English translation]
The little coat is hanging on a nail, There is no sun outside, Nothing has been good since I´ve been thinking of Ghita. But Ghita isn´t in the village...
Ghiță [English translation]
the coat stays on the hook there's no sun outside nothing is good since i think of ghita but ghita isn't in the village i checked it seems to me that ...
Ghiță [English translation]
The coat is inside out, There is no sun above Nothing is going good Since I think of Ghita. But Ghita's not in town I asked why he's not around It see...
Ghiță [English translation]
The little coat it's in the hatstand outside isn't sun nothing it's good since I've been thinking at Ghita But Ghita isn't in the town I've concerned ...
Ghiță [German translation]
Der kleine Mantel hängt am Haken, draußen ist keine Sonne, nichts ist gut seit ich an Ghita denke. Aber Ghita ist nicht im Dorf, ich habe mich erkundi...
Ghiță [Italian translation]
il vestitino sta in chiodo fuori il sole non c'è niente è buono da quando penso a Ghita ma Ghita non è in paese io mi sono interessata mi sembra che è...
Ghiță [Japanese translation]
服はハンガーにかかったまま、 外は陽が出てない ギツァの事を考えてから いいことが何もないわ だけどギツァは村にはいないの、 聞いてみたら 村境の向こうに行ったみたい つらいの、とってもつらいの 欲しいの、でも何が欲しいのか分からない あなたも私を好きだってことは知ってるわ、 何か言ってよ、ギツァ、...
Ghiță [Russian translation]
Одежда в уголке на улице солнышка нет Ничего мне не мило, когда я думаю о тебе Гицо А Гицу нет в городе я интересовалась он вроде уехал заграницу тяже...
Ghiță [Spanish translation]
La ropa está en el gancho Afuera sol no esta Nada no esta bueno desde Pienso en Ghita. Pero Ghita no esta en el pueblo Yo me interese, Se parece que s...
Ghiță [Swedish translation]
Jackan hänger i ett spik Det finns ingen sol ute Inget är bra Sedan jag tänker på Ghita Men Ghita är inte i byn Jag har frågat Jag tror att han har st...
Ghiță [Vietnamese translation]
Một chiếc áo khoác nhỏ treo trên móc Bên ngoài chẳng có ánh mặt trời Chẳng có gì tiến triển tốt Từ lúc tôi nghĩ về Ghita Nhưng Ghita không còn ở trong...
Hopa-Hop lyrics
Rin-din-din, şi hop-hop-hop Toţi băieţii ies la joc Rin-din-din, şi hop-şa-şa Batem talpa de podea Rin-din-din, şi hop-hop-hop Ies şi fetele la joc Ri...
La Betleem colo-n jos lyrics
La Betleem colo-n jos La Betleem colo-n jos, cerul arde luminos Precurata naşte astăzi pe Hristos Naşte-n ieslea oilor Naşte-n ieslea oilor, pe-mpărat...
La Betleem colo-n jos [English translation]
Down there in Bethlehem Down there in Bethlehem, the sky burns brightly The Innocent gives birth today to Christ She’s giving birth in a stable She’s ...
La usa mea lyrics
Fara rusine Imi declari iubirea ta Nu mai cred, nu mai cred cuvinte in zadar O stim prea bine Noi nu mai suntem ce am fost Cand inima, inima isi cauta...
La usa mea [English translation]
Shamelessly You declare your love to me I don't believe, believe in pointless words anymore We both know well That we aren't what we were anymore When...
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