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George Jones lyrics
George Jones - When I Stop Dreaming
(Both) When I stop dreaming That's when I'll stop wanting you (George) The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life The first time I ever have wanted...
When I Stop Dreaming [German translation]
(Both) When I stop dreaming That's when I'll stop wanting you (George) The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life The first time I ever have wanted...
When I Stop Dreaming [Romanian translation]
(Both) When I stop dreaming That's when I'll stop wanting you (George) The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life The first time I ever have wanted...
When I Stop Dreaming [Turkish translation]
(Both) When I stop dreaming That's when I'll stop wanting you (George) The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life The first time I ever have wanted...
George Jones - Once a Day
When you found somebody new I thought I never would Forget you for I thought then I never could But time has taken all the pains away Until now I'm do...
A Girl I Used to Know lyrics
There's a picture that I carry One we made some time ago If they ask who's in the picture with me I say just a girl I used to know Just a girl I used ...
A Girl I Used to Know [Polish translation]
Jest takie zdjęcie, które noszę ze sobą, to, które zrobiliśmy jakiś czas temu. Jeśli mnie pytają, kto jest ze mną na zdjęciu, mówię, że to tylko dziew...
A Girl I Used to Know [Serbian translation]
Nosim jednu sliku Koju smo snimili pre izvesnog vremena Ako me pitaju ko je na slici sa mnom Kažem to je samo devojka koju sam poznavao Samo devojka s...
Dream On lyrics
I've heard there's talk around Sayin' I'm out of control Something about too many bottles And a love that's grown cold But you know talk is cheap And ...
Finally Friday lyrics
I got a hundred dollars smokin' in my billfold I know I oughta save it but it's burnin' a hole Right through my pocket and into my skin Come Monday mo...
Frozen Heart lyrics
Frozen heart that's standing all alone Chilled because your love forever's gone Needing you like a cold hand needs a glove Take my heart and warm it w...
Half A Mind lyrics
I don't love you like I used to do But I'm afraid to tell you so Cause I've got half a mind to leave you But only half the heart to go Now words to te...
He Stopped Loving Her Today lyrics
He said I'll love you 'til I die She told him you'll forget in time As the years went slowly by She still preyed upon his mind He kept her picture on ...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [Catalan translation]
Va dir: "T’estimaré fins a la mort"; va respondre: "Amb el temps oblidaràs". Mentre els anys passaven lentament, ella seguia turmentant-li la ment. Te...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [French translation]
Il disait je t'aime jusqu'à ma mort Elle lui disait tu oublieras avec le temps Comme les années passaient lentement Elle hantait encore son esprit Il ...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [German translation]
Er sagte: „Ich werde dich lieben, bis an mein Lebensende“ Sie antwortete ihm: „Mit der Zeit vergisst du mich“ Während die Jahre langsam vergingen Quäl...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [Greek translation]
Της είπε ότι θα σε αγαπάω μέχρι να πεθάνω Του είπε ότι θα ξεχάσει με το πέρασμα του χρόνου Όσο τα χρόνια περνούσαν αργά Ακόμα βρισκόταν στο μυαλό του ...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [Persian translation]
پسرک گفت تا لحظه مردن دوستت خواهم داشت دخترک گفت خیلی زود فراموش خواهی کرد سالها به کندی میگذشت و دخترک همچنان به او فکر میکردو نگرانش بود پسرک عکس ها...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [Polish translation]
Powiedział: „Będę cię kochać aż do śmierci”; odpowiedziała: „Z czasem zapomnisz”. W miarę, jak lata wolno płynęły, ona wciąż tkwiła w jego głowie. Trz...
He Stopped Loving Her Today [Romanian translation]
A spus ”Te iubesc până la moarte”, ea i-a spus”Vei uita cu timpul”, cum anii au trecut ușor, ea incă îi chinuia mintea. El i-a păstrat fotografia pe p...
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