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John Prine featuring lyrics
Magnolia Wind lyrics
I'd rather sleep in a box Like a bum on the street Than a fine feather bed Without your little ol' cold feet And I'd rather be deaf Dumb and stone bli...
Angel from Montgomery lyrics
I am an old woman named after my mother my old man is another child who's grown old If dreams were thunder lightning was desire this old house it woul...
Angel from Montgomery [French translation]
Je suis une vieille femme Nommée après ma mère Mon vieil homme est un autre Enfant qui a grandi vieux Si les rêves étaient le tonnerre Que les éclairs...
Angel from Montgomery [German translation]
Ich bin eine alte Frau, benannt nach meiner Mutter. Mein alter Mann ist ein weiteres Kind, das alt geworden ist. Wenn Träume Donner wären und Blitze W...
Angel from Montgomery [Serbian translation]
Ja sam stara žena Koja je dobila ime po svojoj majci Moj stari je još jedno Dete koje je ostarilo Da su snovi gromovi A munja želja Ova stara kuća Bi ...
Every December Sky
Every December sky Must lose its faith in leaves And dream of the spring inside the trees How heavy the empty heart How light the heart that's full So...
How Lucky
One, two One, two, three Today I walked down the street I use to wander Yeah, shook my head and made myself a bet That there was all these things that...
How Lucky [Spanish translation]
Uno, dos Uno, dos, tres Hoy caminé por la calle por la que solía vagar Sí, sacudí mi cabeza y aposté conmigo mismo Que hay muchas cosas que no creo re...
Speed of the Sound of Loneliness lyrics
You come home late and you come home early You come on big when you're feeling small You come home straight and you come home curly Sometimes you don'...
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