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Kyo lyrics
Récidiviste lyrics
Récidiviste par amour Pas d'alibi, coupable de tout De toute façon je ne respire Que la corde au cou Je sais qu'un jour je pourrai dire Souviens-toi c...
Récidiviste [English translation]
A repeat offender of love No alibi, completely guilty Anyway, I only breathe Through the cord around my neck I know that one day I'll be able to say "...
Regardez-moi lyrics
J'ai besoin de fuir le monde à présent Plus rien ne m'attire j'ai déjà trop fait semblant S'il me suffit d'ouvrir les portes en silence A ce qui enivr...
Regardez-moi [English translation]
I need to flee the world at this moment Nothing attracts me anymore and I've already pretended too much If it's enough to open the doors in silence Th...
Regardez-moi [Finnish translation]
Tunnen tarvetta paeta maailmaa tällä hetkellä Mikään ei enää houkuttele ja olen teeskennellyt jo Liiaksi muuta, aion koettaa onneani, jos minun Tarvit...
Respire lyrics
Glisser sur les ondes ensemble, se derober au monde Jeter tout ce qui nous echappe, ne faire qu'effleurer la surface Meme un peu d'exces parfois mais ...
Respire [English translation]
Sliding on the waves together , shirking the world Throwing away everything that slips out of our hands , only brushing the surface Even a little exce...
Respire [Finnish translation]
Aalloilla yhdessä liukumista, maailman karttamista Kaiken meiltä karkaavan heittämistä, pelkästään pinnan hipaisemista Pientä yliampumistakin silloin ...
Respire [Portuguese translation]
Deslizar juntos nas ondas, se extorquir do mundo Jogar fora tudo que nos escapa, o que não alcança a superfície Mesmo um pouco demais às vezes, mas nã...
Revolution lyrics

Lyrics removed on request of copyright owners

Sad Day lyrics
Des fleuves tachés s'élèvent au ras du sol Des peintures sous la peau, des symboles Se révèlent à la lune sous sa lueur foetale Et diffusent en silenc...
Sad Day [English translation]
Stained rivers are rising at ground level Painting underneath the skin, symbols Reveal themselves to the moon under its foetal light And silently rele...
Sarah lyrics
Sarah, elle est belle mais seulement quand elle pleure Quand elle voit sa mère au fond d'son verre Et ce, quelque soit l'heure J'ai vu tellement de fe...
Sarah [Arabic translation]
سارا ، هي جميلة لكن فقط حين تبكي حين ترى أمها في آخر كوبها وهذا ، في أي ساعة بالفعل رأيت في عيني سارا نيرانا منطفئة والخوف من الغد ، مخبأ بإتقان في صو...
Sarah [English translation]
Sarah is beautiful, but only when she cries When she sees her mother at the bottom of her glass At any time of the day I saw so many extinguished fire...
Sarah [English translation]
Sarah, She's beautiful but only when she cries When she sees her mother in the bottom of her glasses And, whatever the hour I saw so many lights extin...
Sarah [English translation]
Sarah, she is beautiful but only when she cries When she sees her mother at the bottom of her glass whenever was the time. I've seen so many lights tu...
Sarah [English translation]
Sarah, she is beautiful but only when she cries When she sees her mother at the bottom of her glass And that, whatever the hour I saw so many extingui...
Sarah [Finnish translation]
Saara se on kaunis, mutta vain silloin kun hän itkee Silloin kun hän näkee äitinsä juomalasinsa pohjalla Näin kellonaikaan katsomatta tekee Olen nähny...
Sarah [Portuguese translation]
Sarah é bela, mas somente quando chora Quando ela observa sua mãe no fundo de seu vidro Qual a hora aceitável? Eu vi fogo suficiente extinto nos olhos...
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